Ise Shima, Japan, November 2024

Wednesday, April 07, 2010


We have had a very jolly Easter weekend. There was considerable feasting.

The guttering man came on Friday and stayed for an hour.  He was civilised, washed and brushed, tidy, polite - and seemed to know what he was talking about.  We have paid a deposit for new guttering and downpipes to come later in the summer. (The guttering at the front of the house goes very slightly uphill towards the downpipe which, I'm sure you will agree, is not entirely effective!)

We went on Saturday to help Freyja shift things from her old flat to her new place and to start the cleaning up process, for Mark has now moved out and the flat is being given up. Mark has moved into a castle!!!! (Well, into a flat inside a 19th century version of a castle).

Tabitha, Gareth and Ginger Rich came by on Sunday afternoon and stayed over. Although Rich had to leave early on Monday morning and thus missed out on our Easter Feast on the Monday

Bea and Steve joined us for lunch on Monday.  Taffa and Gaz stayed for lunch too. Then Bea and Steve took them back into Sheffield to catch their coach back.  It's weird, really.  You can buy "fun fares" on the coach to and from Cambridge for not very much money, but only from Sheffield, not from Chesterfield.  You can get *off* in Chesterfield, but not on.  So they had to go 15 miles into Sheffield, to get on a coach which brought them along that very same 15 miles back to Chesterfield.

Then I had Tuesday off, because the University was closed.  We had lunch in The Nettle and left overs from Monday for dinner. And I did almost nothing.  I did manage to wash about half the dishes from Monday and that was pretty much it.  Which is something of a worry because we're back helping Freyja this evening, then we're leaving for London on Saturday afternoon, and the house looks like a bomb has gone off in it and the ironing has not been done and I had quite a lot of organisational plans for Tuesday none of which materialised :-S

But we did eat well.  And drink well.

Someone seems to have called a general election.  The news last evening talked of nothing else.  Actually, that's not true.  They allowed around three minutes for a discussion of actual news.  I can only be grateful that I am about to leave the country. By the time we come back, the election will be all but upon us.  In the meantime, I shall watch the food programs on telly and avoid the news programs.  Not quite sure what I can do about Radio 4 in the mornings, though.

Mostly, we seemed to spend the weekend playing Angry Birds on my iPhone.  Not that Gareth is obsessed at all, oh, no no no no no

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