Docklands, February 2025

Sunday, December 31, 2023

You will be pleased to hear (or, at least, I was pleased) that Whiskey has not needed the mini enemas that the vet sent home with him. All appears to be, more or less, back to normal.

The weather recently has been cool and cloudy with showers of rain, often clearing in the afternoons and evenings to sunny and bright. Today has been sunny and warm, apart from a cool wind. I even put the washing out. And I have done a few, gentle things in the garden.

For the past many weeks, the internet has been bringing to my attention a lovely, colourful and bright doona cover which I rather fancied. It is true that I could probably have done with an extra cover. I only had three which is enough unless I need to change both the beds at the same time. Four would give a bit of wriggle room - but I would buy a cheap one if all I was looking for was wriggle room. It was a Want but not really a Need.

Then Jim's daughter Jeanette and her family gave me some Amazon money for my birthday. I try, when I can, to use money that is a gift to buy fun things, not essentials, so I bought the doona cover. It arrived on Friday:

Cumbrian Forest
with optional Whiskey

Stella wanted to know why I had bought a delightful bed set with their birthday money and boring, manky potting mix with hers. Because they gave me Amazon money. If they had given me Bunnings money or cash, I would have bought potting mix, or mulch or something for the garden beds. I find such things exciting (or at least the things I can do with them) even if Stella does not. I promise I won't buy potting mix for her for her birthday!

Lindsey and I went out to the Mushroom Farm yesterday morning and then out to Elaine to the Farmgate Shop. They have a paddock of pick your own sunflowers, which opened to the public yesterday. Someone came out to take publicity photos. As the owner came out of the paddock after  the photo shoot, he handed me a couple of sunflowers as a New Year present. They are looking very sunny on the sideboard.

Ordinarily, I keep the Christmas decorations up for New Year. I have taken them down early this year. The Christmas tree was in front of a cupboard I needed to get into and when I tried to move it the top part fell off. I couldn't be bothered reassembling it and sorting out the lights and baubles again so I took the whole thing down.  And then figured I might as well take everything down. 

It is amazing the number of cobwebs and gunk hiding behind the tree. It's a plastic tree and had only been up for three weeks or so. My spiders constantly make my place look like it's a haunted house, or part of a set from a Hammer House of Horror episode. I know I need to de-web frequently to deter the spiders but mostly I can't be bothered. I don't mind the spiders - if only they didn't web absolutely everything! I wouldn't even mind that, if only the webs weren't so sticky. And if they didn't put them where I want to walk. I emphatically do not care for spider webs across my face!!!!!

Oh, and I have the Christmas crackers for next year. Kmart was selling them on Wednesday for 50c for boxes of 8 and $2 for boxes of 12. I got this little lot of 40 for a whole $5

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