Docklands, February 2025

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Whiskey Goes to the Vet

Wendy and I noticed on Christmas Day that Whiskey was off his food. This is unusual for Whiskey but not particularly unusual for cats in general.

He was still off his food on Boxing Day and was strangely subdued in the evening. He also appeared to be constipated, straining to pass poos and when he did they were hard and rocklike.

He was very subdued yesterday so I rang the vet as soon as they opened and got an emergency appointment. He miaowed all the way to the vet. He miaowed all the time we were in the waiting room. The young golden retriever sitting opposite us did not approve of this and sat behind its owner's legs and tried very hard to get under the chair.

Whiskey was very well behaved while in the vet's room. She poked him and prodded him and took his temperature, looked in his mouth and ears and generally did a thorough examination. She was keen to keep him in overnight for re-hydration (I hadn't noticed him near the water fountain so don't know if he had been drinking), a mini enema or two and some other medications, for the bargain price of between $800 and $900, depending. If he needed an actual enema, another $900.

I could buy a great dane puppy for that. Or around 12 new cats. Or go to Japan and back with spending money to spare. So the vet gave him three injections, a tablet and some liquid and sent him home with a supply of medication for me to give him. 

He miaowed all the way home.

One of the medications is used as an anti-depressant in humans and also makes cats hungry (I think that is a side effect in humans as well - but you have to wonder who thought it would be a good idea to try this medication on a cat to see what would happen!!) It certainly made Whiskey hungry. As soon as I let him out of  the (enormous!) cat carrier he made a beeline for the cat food bowls in the dining room where he positively scoffed the cat biscuits. Then he glugged vast quantities of water. And then he went outside for a potter around. Obviously feeling better, but still no pooing. I hope the laxatives work. I really don't fancy giving him a mini enema myself, and certainly not on my own!

I must buy a smaller carrier before I have to take a cat anywhere again. I bought the enormous one when we first got Brandy and Whiskey because it was all I could get. I might get a smaller one for quick trips to the vet. In the meantime, I had left the enormous one by the front door. It has a cushion in it. Whiskey  thinks it makes an excellent bed. I might have to keep it for the time being.

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