Docklands, February 2025

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Christmas Day

I really enjoyed Christmas Day this year. It was nice and gentle and quiet.

Wendy and I had breakfast at my place. And watched the rain. A lot of rain.  There was 60mm in my (not very scientific) rain gauge when I emptied it yesterday morning. 

It continued raining. And the wind kept blowing. And it was distinctly on the cool side.

We went up to Hill House at lunchtime for a present exchange and sandwiches. Then Wendy and I came back to my place for the afternoon.

Lindsey and Ian gave me a Google doorbell. I have screwed it onto my front door and set it up. It informs me that there is a person outside every time I go in and out of the front door. It tells me a package has been delivered if I happen to be carrying anything. I go in and out of my front door quite often. I am often carrying things when I do. I wonder when it will decide that I don't count as a person :D

We were a very small number for Christmas night back up at Hill House. A mere 8 of us, as opposed to the usual 25 or 30. Freyja and Simon came up from Melbourne. Josh came from Ballarat. And that was it. And it was lovely. We all sat around the dining table in comfort and could help ourselves to plates of food from the feast on the table. Very civilised and calm. And beds galore for people who were staying over. Wendy and I slept at my place. Wendy doesn't drink alcohol so was fit to drive us back after dinner

I think there will be LOTS of people next Christmas. All of the people who have decided to do alternate years are all planning to come in the same year all together.

I might go to Iceland.

Stella is still not especially well. Her angina has decided to come out play after a long time in hiding. But I think she very much enjoyed her Christmas. I suspect that she finds the chaos and hubbub of a full family Christmas a bit difficult these days.

Stella, at the Christmas dining table 

New doorbell in situ

It was still raining when I got up this morning. The wind had blown my bauble wreath off the front wall. But the worst of the weather seems to have passed us by. For now.  And it is not actively raining at this moment.

Best get on. I am hosting a Boxing Day lunch and should possibly sweep the floors before the visitors come.

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