Docklands, February 2025

Friday, March 24, 2023

The Mall

Yesterday was the day the Grade 6 students finished for the Spring Break. This holiday marks the end of the school year. When the children return in April, they will start in their new grade levels and the grade six students will move up to secondary school. The last day of grade six is celebrated by the children and their families, and none of the other children go into school.

The other primary grades have gone into school today, but only for a couple of hours. Then all the school students  are on vacation for two weeks.

Austin has already finished for the Spring Break, and he too will be starting at a new school in April. So he and Tatsuki were at home yesterday. Tatsuki was feeling much better after his indisposition on Wednesday, so after everyone had done their morning things, we went to the mall for lunch. Kaori couldn't join us. She had to go to work.

At Tatsuki's request, we had MacDonalds for lunch. We didn't need too much. We were going to the yakiniku restaurant in the evening for Kaori's postponed birthday dinner. The food court was absolutely packed. Grade six children having celebratory lunches. Other children there because they weren't at school and it was raining and, really, you have to do something to entertain them.

Then we went to explore the shops for an hour or so. I am not a big shopper in malls. Too many clothes shops and other uninteresting things. But I do like the toy shops and the kitchen shops and the shops that sell bright, shiny things - and there were plenty of those to keep me amused.

I fear I will be taking almost as much stuff home with me as I brought here, if we keep going to those sorts of shops!!

We enjoyed our yakiniku meal in the evening. You select what you want to eat and then they bring you the ingredients to barbecue at your table. We also had rice and a Korean fried rice dish on the side

meat and vegetables ready for  cooking
and edamame ready to eat

On the barbecue

Austin and Kaori cooked the food

Kaori readying the Korean fried rice

It was a good evening. I hope Kaori enjoyed her delayed birthday dinner.

(The long school holiday is in the summer. I do not know why they start the school year in the spring.)

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