Docklands, February 2025

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Gifu Family Park

So Tatsuki has now finished school for the Spring Break. He had to go in for a couple of hours yesterday morning and then that was it.

Austin had a doctor's appointment while Tatsuki was at school.

Kaori went to work.

After Austin and Tatsuki came back, we hopped in the car and went to the Gifu Family Park. It wasn't raining (so far we've had day of rain, followed by a day of no rain, followed by rain ...) and the cherry blossoms are blooming or on the way to blooming. It was a nice drive.

We stopped at a convenience store for picnic supplies and then we got to the park

Tatsuki had a fun time on the jungle gym and on the jumping balls. I had a fun time watching small children coming down the bumpy slide. One little girl got half way down, decided she didn't like it, grabbed onto the side and simply screamed until someone came to rescue her. Then she decided it was fun after all! 

After we got home, Austin, Lindsey and I went to a small coffee shop hidden among a load of houses, to meet Austin's friend Andrew. We have been to that little coffee shop before. It makes remarkably good coffee.

Then Austin and Tatuski went to Tatsuki's swimming lesson and Kaori and  I made gyoza, using a filling that Kaori had made while we were out having coffee. We had the gyoza with rice and vegetables in a sweet and sour sauce. Very delicious.

All in all, it was quite a busy, fun day. 

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