Docklands, February 2025

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Getting Ready

If all goes according to plan, I am supposed to be going to Japan tomorrow, leaving home today for the airport, then the early flight tomorrow to Cairns, then a flight to Osaka.

I have yet to pack, but apart from that I think I am ready. I have filled in all the required online forms to get into Japan. I have a roster done for looking after the cats and the house. I have cash and have topped up my travel bank card.  

I have filled in the form for a subsidy for solar panels for the house. This was less complicated than I expected it to be, though was made slightly more complicated by Jim's money all being earned overseas, so the ATO has no record of him. And there wasn't an opportunity to upload my Power of Attorney, but I can send it to them if they ask. Unlike his British Civil Service Pension people who wouldn't accept my Australian Power of Attorney because, Not English, doncha know. So, once he recovered from covid, I got him to sign the Still Alive form himself, countersigned by the Lifestyle coordinator. I don't *think* they can refuse to accept that, but we'll see. 

Both Jim and Stella are now covid-free and the facility is almost out of covid positive status. There are still a few cases but I don't think any of the staff came down with it and the common areas are now open again. Stella was sicker than Jim with it, but wasn't really too bad and she's now up and running again. Well, wheel chairing. Both she and Jim are taking their meals in the dining room and Jim was in the tea room when Wendy and I went to visit yesterday.

So apart from packing and one or three domestic chores, I think I am ready to wander off to Japan, for the first time in more than three years. I hope I can still find my way around!!

It's supposed to be hot and windy today. I must water the gardens and the houseplants before heading off. I would do it now, but it's still not quite light enough. And I must get on, or things won't be done by the time I head off to catch to coach to the airport.

Whiskey, wondering why I have moved all the dining chairs into the lounge room (I was washing the dining room floor):

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