Docklands, February 2025

Thursday, December 29, 2022

The InterFest

We took Stella and Jim to the Golden Point hotel for lunch on Tuesday. Lindsey, Ian, Freyja, Simon and Stephen and I all accompanied them. It was something of an experiment in taking Jim out. His social graces are slowly deserting him. 

He is not usually particularly disruptive, although he can be noisy sometimes. But his table manners can be, unusual. Not a problem if he is in a private home, but some restaurants and places might find it a bit disconcerting when he tries to stuff all the roast potatoes in his mouth, like a manic hamster. No roast potatoes for the rest of us!

I collected Stella from her room and we went to collect Jim. He was sitting on his bed, mostly naked, not very fragrant and most definitely not ready for an outing!!!! I asked for someone to help me clean him up and get him dressed. A carer turned up and efficiently showered him and got him dressed. Much more acceptable for an outing - and much more fragrant.

Apart from that slight hitch, the outing was a success. The Golden Point hotel has a large family dining room, which was full of families with children, and old people and younger people and everyone. People were very helpful as I navigated a wheelchair and a walker to our table. Nobody particularly noticed us, although one of the staff did tell us off for moving a chair to the head of the table and propping the walker there. Apparently it was a trip hazard in a designated walkway. She did nothing about the children's shoes scattered all over the floor, and then put the errant chair in front of the cupboard containing the fire equipment 😂

We had a lovely lunch. Jim very much enjoyed his fish and chips and pint of ale - and the piece of my pizza which I couldn't finish. I think everyone enjoyed their food. It was very busy, and our food and drinks took a while to get to us, but the food was hot and fresh and the staff were pleasant and friendly.

He was very well behaved, perfect table manners, nice and relaxed and calm. We will take him there again.

Freyja, Simon and Stephen went back to Melbourne. I found myself alone in my house, apart from the cats. I quite like living alone, but it was strangely quiet on Tuesday evening.

I was at work yesterday, the first day back after a four and a half day break for the surgery. It wasn't as busy as you might have expected it to be. And people were generally happy and calm. The shopping centre also wasn't as busy as I expected it to be. The traffic was delightful. We should have more days like that.

Today, after several days of 35℃+ temperatures it is cool (cold, in my view :D) and overcast and a bit damp. I think the top temperature is due to be around 19°. I wish someone could convince the Weather Dogs that there is a happy medium. Summer days of around 24, 25° with a light breeze are very pleasant. Mind you, temperatures of 35°+ do help with drying the washing. It took almost no time to get all the sheets and towels washed and dried.

I knew I had turned into a grown up when, living in Tupton, I woke up one summer morning to a beautiful day, blue skies, sunshine, warm temperatures - and went looking for things to wash 😃

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