Docklands, February 2025

Tuesday, December 06, 2022


I knew I would get run over by the covid bus eventually.

Freyja said that she had tested positive on Monday. On Monday evening I developed a scratchy throat. On Tuesday it remained scratchy and I developed a bit of a cough, but was RAT negative. I didn't believe the RAT. On Wednesday morning, the RAT turned positive.


All in all, it wasn't too bad. I had a mild sore throat, a cough and that was pretty much it. I did have a bit of a temperature, but never particularly high - my usual temperature is 36.6 and it got to 37.2 and only for a day. I had stopped feeling unwell by Friday, but had to isolate at home until yesterday.  I have a lingering cough - and a mighty bruise across my diaphragm!

In the Before Times I would have said that I had a moderate cold and probably not paid much attention. Obviously, under the present circumstances I couldn't do that. No going to the shops, no going to work and especially no going to visit Stella and Jim. Lindsey went instead when she wasn't working.

Brandy and Whiskey were pleased to have me at home

Lindsey bought them a cat flap during the week, so they could go in and out onto the patio without letting in dozens of flies and hundreds of mosquitos

It slots in next to the sliding fly screen so no need for tools, or skills. Looks great. And Brandy and Whiskey hated it! I tried to show Brandy how to use it. He, remember, is the small, fluffy cat. He folded himself in half and stuck his elbows and knees out in a star formation and refused to go through it. Eventually, I took the heavy plastic flap off, so there is a small open space. They are using it now. Reluctantly, it must be said, but using it. I realise that leaves a space for creatures other than cats to come in, but it's a much reduced space and so far has equally reduced the ingress of flies and mosquitos.

We finally had a summery day on Sunday. It was lovely. Sunny, warm, high 20s, light wind. I made a start on  weeding the patio

And now I am allowed back out into the world (although not into the aged care facility until tomorrow, when I m also allowed back to work). The weather has reverted to normal. And, prompted by Austin, I have cracked out the Christmas jumpers

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