Docklands, February 2025

Monday, December 12, 2022

Gone to Singapore

I had forgotten, in the 33 or so months since I last did it, how stressful international travel can be.

The first bit wasn't stressful at all. Lindsey picked me up from my place at 8:30 and took me to the station, where I bought a breakfast sandwich and a cup of coffee and waited for the shuttle bus to the airport.

The bus trip was lovely. Peaceful, quiet, comfortable.

The airport was BUSY! Really, really busy.  That was definitely stressful. I don't go to many places that are really crowded these days.

Freyja arrived, ready for our adventure. We got airside relatively painlessly, though we were a bit disconcerted when the checkout lady asked if we had our visas for entering Singapore. Visas"? Surely we don't need visas? We checked. She laughed. As long as we didn't want to stay more than 90 days, we didn't need visas. Phew! We did, however, need to fill in an online entry form which we didn't know about. We did that airside, in the pub, over a glass of wine and a plate of olives.

There are lots of pandas at Melbourne Airport. I do not know why.

We boarded the plane with no real trouble. Everyone took their seats. And then we waited. And waited. And waited. And waited. Apparently, one of the machines that loads the luggage and containers onto the planes had sprung a leak and spread hydraulic fluid all over the place. And wasn't loading things. We waited and waited and waited. If only they had noticed before everyone had boarded; Freyja could have sipped her coffee and savoured it, instead of guzzling it down at speed so she could board. No hot drinks allowed to be taken on by passengers.

Eventually, after not quite three hours waiting on the tarmac, everything was sorted out and we were on our way to Singapore, where we arrived with no further drama seven and a bit hours later.

We fortunately noticed the sign that suggested walking to arrival hall C before we went down into the very crowded arrival hall D. Arrival Hall C had almost no people in it. We were through immigration in no time. We could use the electronic immigration gates. We collected our bags, and made our way to the very conveniently located Yotelair capsule hotel, right in the airport, landside.

My remarkably comfortable capsule cabin. The bed was extremely snoozy.

And now we are waiting for Simon's father to arrive. His plane is also delayed, which means we have a more leisurely morning than we were expecting. He's on his way from the UK, breaking in Singapore for a week's stopover on his way to Australia for a Christmas and New Year Adventure. Simon and Freyja were intending to meet him here for Singapore Adventures. Alas, in the intervening No International Travel years, Simon's passport had almost run out of time. Singapore requires a full six months validity to let you in. Simon couldn't come. But I could. So I did (by invitation, you understand - I didn't gatecrash the adventure!!)

I too, however, have forgotten some things which previously would have been second nature. I didn't bring any teabags, and I always travel with teabags. I forgot to bring my travel cup. I did bring power adapters and charger cords. And at the last minute, I thought to bring my British bank card, I don't use it much. Usually I transfer money electronically to my Australian account. But I thought it might come in handy, and it paid for last night's accommodation with no trouble at all.

I got up too early this morning for the food hall and shops to be open, so have taken advantage of the coffee and tea room the hotel has available. And the free wifi. But I think things should be starting to open up now. I might go for a wander. And work out how to get from here to the hotel that will be our home  until next weekend.

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