Docklands, February 2025

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

My but that was a lovely weekend.

We went out to dinner with the D&S team on Friday evening, and I had a haircut appointment on Saturday morning at 09:00. But apart from that, we had no firm plans at all.

So we sort of made it up and gently pottered about.

The weather was lovely for the last day in February and the first day in March. The wind was cold but the sun was nice and warm. It was cloudy on and off but no rain to speak of. It was just a very pleasant spring weekend.

We went to The Nettle for Saturday lunch, and to Chatsworth for supplies for the week. There were lots and lots of deer on the Chatsworth estate but no sheep. They seem to take them away for lambing.

And then we went to investigate bathroom shops. We are considering re-doing the bathroom. Actually, we’re more than considering it. We are going to re-do the bathroom. It will be our first major project on the house. Our bathroom is not in any way geared up for people with mobility problems. We at first intended only to buy a new shower recess so that people who would struggle to get in and out of the bath could get clean. But then we came into a little bit of money and decided we might just as well do the lot. I think we have more or less decided what we want. We now need to work out if it will all fit in a sensible way in the bathroom – and then find the rest of the dosh. And a plumber!

We had intended to get out into the garden when we got back from inspecting bathroom shops. But by then the wind had got up and it was a bit cold, so we didn’t. We sat inside and meandered gently into the evening instead.

Sunday had been designated as Do All The Blood Tests day. I can tell you that my blood sugar levels are nice and low. But only one of my double cholesterol tests worked. And The Builder's finger was so thick that the piercing thingy completely failed to pierce so we couldn't test his blood sugar levels. I hadn't thought to get a cholesterol test for him. I have sent for more blood tests. Several each. Next time we will soak The Builder's fingers in hot water for three days before attempting to pierce him!! And next time I must remember not to pierce the tips of my fingers - typing this morning was fun! It was ages before I worked out why from time to time my fingers would catch on the keyboard.

We finally managed to get out into the garden on Sunday afternoon and spent a few hours making a start on the early spring clear up. We watched the St David's Day Songs of Praise and ate roast beef and drank the last of the wine and drifted off to bed.

No more alcohol now until Easter. Sadly, a case of Italian and French dry white wines arrived today ;-(

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