Docklands, February 2025

Saturday, March 28, 2009

It's a disgrace, that's what is is -

an absolute disgrace!

The quality of Taget merchandise is going downhill faster than a rampaging avalanche. Sinking like a stone.

I bought a pair of pink pyjamas with green frogs at Target. Nice and cheerful. Suitable for keeping one chirpy during dark, dismal winters. It's not even as though I've worn them all that often. Only during winter. And autumn. And perhaps maybe spring. And they've worn out. Worn out, I tell you. I've had to throw the bottoms away. And the top is starting to show signs of wear.

Really! You'd think they'd make things to last at Target. After all, I've only had them - oh, five years or so. Pff, is all I can say. Pff!!!!!!!


I'm not sure my most recent jammie acquisitions will do quite so well. I bought them for tuppence ha'penny at Primark in December, thus keeping employed the third world sweat shop labourers who made them. Primark, I think, declares that it doesn't employ sweat shop labour - but how they manage to make them for so little that they can sell them at a profit for tuppence ha'penny, they have so far declined to explain.

I was out for dinner last evening. A pal from work is leaving on Tuesday and decided to have his leaving do at an Italian restaurant in town. Around 20 of us turned out for it and it was a good evening - though I did not stay late. It was quite strange, being out at a work do with The Boozers when off alcohol myself. Wasn't so noticeable when I went to the Team Do, because they are none of them real drinkers. But when I go out with last night's bunch, I usually arrange to go home on public transport. Last night I had the car!!

I enjoyed the meal. It was a tad irritating, though, that they had absolutely insisted that we be seated for a first service at 6pm. Most of us eat later than that in the evening, so had had early and light lunches to ensure we were properly ready for Italian food at 6. They brought out the first of the starters at 7!! Could have had an extra hour in the pub :-)

I left at about half eight. The rest kicked on into the wee smalls. Peter, the escapee, had had the foresight (given that he lives in Nottingham) to book himself into a hotel over night. By all accounts, they all had a good time.

Time do go and go good and useful things. Not a good day for gardening, but there are house things to do - and we are going out for the afternoon

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