Docklands, February 2025

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


The Builder tells me that a mate of his at work decided that he was also going to give up alcohol. It appears that he drinks upwards of 8 cans of cider a night. I'm not sure how large these cans are, but it is common for cans to contain a pint. I am also not sure what strength cider he was drinking. But it must be of a reasonable strength because he gave it up quite abruptly - and promptly came down with horrible shakiness. Shaky paws do not an Excellent Carpenter make! So he has taken cider drinking back up with alacrity. Shakes now all gone!

The Builder and I have had no shaking. No insomnia (apart from on Sunday night when we were both woken up by an almighty WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSHHHHHHHHHHH followed by the sound of things blowing about but I think that might have been down to other things than alcoholic abstinence). No coma, no hallucinations, no death - which I am given to understand can be a side effect of giving up drinking alcohol. Seems a slightly extreme side effect to me!

I think the cider-drinking chippie should have tried for longer

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