Docklands, February 2025

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Chicken cheese kiev

I had two magnificent (and very expensive) chicken fillets for dinner last night. Mindful of my disgruntlement last weekend when I was presented with a slab of chicken fillet swimming in cream which nothing at all interesting had been done, I decided I couldn't just grill the fillets, even if I had butterflied them. I decided to make kievs, but filled with cheese rather than butter. And I just happened to have some Sage Derby cheese in the fridge.

I cut the micro fillet off both the fillets and butterflied them (the fillets, not the little bits!) THen I flattened them gently with my rolling pin.

I finely grated a healthy hill of cheese and added two finely chopped cloves of garlic. Then I put the cheese in the middle of the fillets and rolled them up, tucking the end in to seal them. One of them wasn't quite big enough so I used the micro fillet to plug the gap.

I (gently!) rolled the kievs in flour seasoned with black pepper, then dipped them in a whisked egg and then rolled them (also gently) in some fresh breadcrumbs. THen I put them in a fairly low oven and let them cook gently while we peeled the potatoes and prepped the veg and then cooked it all. I think the kievs were probably in the oven for 30-40 minutes.

Because they had been cooked quite slowly, they came out still tender and juicy, but properly cooked. The cheese had all melted and they went really nicely with the boiled potatoes and veg. I added some quick gravy made with gravy mix.

Next time I make a Sunday gravy with a vegetable trivet, I think I might make lots extra. The kievs would have been magnificent with a really nice vegetable gravy. I need some in the freezer for just such kiev emergencies!!

I must start taking photos of things befiore we eat them!

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