Docklands, February 2025

Friday, March 20, 2009

March still

I've been down in the greenhouse today. Marlo came too. He thought it was wonderful - all warm and toasty, and with the bubble wrap (which is around the inside of the greenhouse to keep the frost out) tucked down into a corner so I could get in and out. Excellent kitty sleeping space!

The lettuce and romanesco seeds are all germinated now. The carrots have not, yet (a bit hasty, I guess) and the seed potatoes aren't up yet. But I'm sure they'll be along soon. I've also sown into plug modules 45 "Magic Bean" seeds (a random mix of kidney, flageolet, borlotti, Cherokee and Yin Yang), 5 baby bush beans, 25 soya beans and 10 each extra of the borlotti (in a packet labelled Rattlesnake beans!) and Yin Yang. I am not, you understand, expecting them ALL to germinate, although I suppose it won't matter if they do. Once they're big enough, I'll move them into proper plant pots and they can stay in the greenhouse until late May, early June. I realise I've been repeating the mantra: Don't be hasty - put nothing out till May. But The Builder reminds me that it was in the middle of May last year that we got over excited and put the beans outside (still in pots) and caused them extreme damage from which they never properly recovered when there was a late, hard frost. June it is. I'm hoping by then they'll be tall enough and strong enough not to be bothered by slugs or caterpillars and that they'll be flowering and beaning happily in their pots so they don't notice the transfer process. Ever Optimistic Frannie!!

I have planted the new dogwood shrub where the yellow rose bush used to be and trimmed back the privet shrubs. I am now ready to tackle the section of the shrubbery where the compost heap used to be and which is now completely over run by creeping buttercup. This may be something of a challenge!

And - I've been to the allotment. I've dug just under half of the first broad bean bed. I had to stop at that point for my back was registering a certain level of outrage at being put to work after most of an autumn and a winter of indolence. I shall have another bash on Saturday morning.

I need to devise a plan of where everything is going on the allotment this year. Give us all something to work towards!

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