I was pottering around on level 2 in the Adsetts Centre yesterday, closing down PCs preparatory to closing the building when I happened to notice that it was snowing. And snowing quite heavily. Could only just have started, though. It hadn't been snowing the last time I'd looked out the window 10 minutes or so before. By the time I left at 6 it was starting to settle quite nicely. The Builder had ambled into town to meet me and we walked homewards through floating, wafting, large snowflakes, warmly rugged up -- and me clinging onto The Builder's arm, for my shoes were not walking-in-snow-shoes and were quite slippy. By the time we reached the Devonshire Arms and the half way home mark and called in for a quick one we were covered in snow. I had to shake it off my hat! We only stayed for one. It was warm and cosy in there, but it was also unusua
lly full (it is not a well-frequented pub ordinarily for it is off the student run). It seemed that Sheffield United was playing at home. No wish to get embroiled in a pub full of Home supporters! So we carried on homewards. After all, it's warm and cosy there too. And there's wine. And even food. And a Freyja and a Mark, though only briefly. They headed out to the cinema and thence to Mark's parents place where there is not only a printer but also paper for Freyja to print out her CV.
This morning the sun is shining in a clear blue sky. And there is snow all over everything. It's very beautiful. Won't last though, I don't think. The sun is starting to carry a bit of warmth in it now we've reached March. The snow was starting to melt even when I went out to feed the birds.
Freyja and The Builder are fraying. Freyja has (?) excema in her ears. The Builder has (?) something ringwormy on his back and perhaps (?) scabies on his arms. Mangy, both of them! Everyone else is in bounding good health. Tabitha seems chirpy and cheery. Austin rang with great happiness because he won his karate match. I'm at work today, at Collegiate -- so a mere 5 minutes from home. I like it here. It's a nice, light, airy learning centre and I can see the snow shining on the lawns. Off tomorrow. Hooray!I wonder if United ever did play their match. Kickoff had been delayed when we left the pub, I assume because of the snow.
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