Docklands, February 2025

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Catch up

I had intended to write several times during the week but somehow the week got away. Vanished in a puff of time swishing past. So here's a catch up of the week's news.

The Builder's van is really, really poorly sick. When the cam belt went it took everything surrounding it with it. No point going on your own when you can create a massive trail of chaos and destruction as you go! It's in intensive care, very expensively, and not expected to come home until next week. The Builder has been trundling backwards and forwards to Mansfield in the Vixen. Poor car. She's not used to such intensive exercise. In the normal course of events we don't disturb her much at all. Only leisure runs at weekends. Grin! The Builder was strangely calm when I relayed the message from the garage. Didn't even seem to flinch when he saw the estimated bill!!

Some of you will be aware that I was seriously alarmed earlier in the week by the appearance of a bright yellow light in the sky. I was equally alarmed by the colour of the sky which had transmuted into a strange blue colour. Was very unnerving. Not natural I tell you. You will therefore be pleased to hear that after a couple of days the sky reverted to its usual dull grey colour. Panic averted. Though I am a bit worried that there is currently quite a lot of wet stuff falling from it. Equally unnatural if you ask me. Perhaps someone has left a very large shower on. So wasteful of water!!

I am still coughing. I sound something like Mimi ought to sound towards the end of La Boheme. It's getting very tedious :-(

I am not only turning into Tony and going to sleep in m'chair mid-evening (it's all the excitement of being woken by the radio at half past five, then being brought tea by The Builder at quarter to six; which may mean that I miss out on most of the evening but I don't half get a load done in the mornings before I go to work!), I am also turning into Ian. I've found myself calling into Waitrose on my way past in the evenings to see what delicacies we can have for dinner. Yesterday evening I left work a little early and called into the Chinese supermarket for some noodles and sauce sachets. Then I called into Millets and bought two more half price fleecy jackets (I bought us one each on Wednesday on my way into work, and they are such good value that we thought another one each would be a Fine Thing). Then my mind turned towards fishy noodles with honey and coriander sauce. I had the noodles. I had the sauce. Onwards to Waitrose for the fishy things. TWENTY FIVE POUNDS later (a whole six pounds on a piece of monkfish. What was I thinking? -- though it was very yummy indeed) I found myself at home preparing the nicest noodle, fishy thing and capsicum dish. Not really a stir fry. More a steam fry! Quite an expensive steam fry (though not all of the twenty five pounds was on fishy things you'll be glad to know. I bought other things as well.) But I really can't afford to turn into Ian. Must start leaving my plastic at home again!

Nearly time to go home. Hooray. Not working tomorrow. Even louder hooray!

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