Docklands, February 2025

Friday, March 31, 2006

Fingers still crossed?

I hope you've all got your fingers and toes crossed still. We went to see the mortgage advisor on Tuesday morning and sent off an initial application for money. We went back yesterday afternoon and are now the proud possessors of a mortgage approval in principle. It seems they took it based on my income alone and that I have a high credit rating. I am astounded to discover that they are ready and willing to lend me quite as much dosh as they seem to be. I wouldn't dream of lending me that amount of money!! We've now filled out a full application and are awaiting a response. Everyone seems to think that this is a mere formality. Since I wouldn't lend me that amount of money in a pink fit, I am waiting for them to come back saying that they have made a hideous mistake and I can't have any money at all! Once/if the mortgage is approved then many administrative and legal things need to be done. If it all goes without a single hitch (but this is England so it almost certainly won't) we could look to take possession of the house sometime in May. It may be awkward for you all to amble about with every digit crossed for upwards of 6-8 weeks, but there it is. Some things just have to be done!!

Came in on Tuesday afternoon to find senior management staffing the circulation desk. The very large majority of the staff are in a union which was involved in strike action on Tuesday. I am not in that, or indeed any other union so came in at lunchtime as planned. The managers didn't half look stressed and anxious! I don't think they know very much about circulation or information work. Grin!

Nearly time to go home. This evening I am mostly being Richard who has what I had three weeks ago. He rang up just before. I completely failed to recognise his voice -- well, his squeak. I hope he doesn't retain the coff quite as long as I have. I've just been spluttering all over a hapless student, poor thing.

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