Docklands, February 2025

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Someone else has bushwhacked us and bought our house :-( We offered beyond our (sensible) maximum but you have to draw limits somewhere. They have more money or less sense or both than us and out-offered us by a hundred or so pounds. But if we'd gone much beyond what we did finally offer there wouldn't have been any money left to fix it and there's no point in that. Will keep hunting.

The mudhut has morphed into a plague ship. A cordon sanitaire has been placed around it. Nothing that comes in is allowed out. So far I have garnered three posties and a boy wanting me to change my phone supplier. We have run out of tissues :-(

(It's true that we have run out of tissues. And that I am **STILL** at home with a coff and sneezles and wheezles). I am getting very very very very very VERY bored.

The Builder's van has broken down, fortunately before he actually left Sheffield. I suspect this of being a cunning plan that allows him to watch the opening of the Commonwealth Games legitimately! The van has gone to the van hospital.

It was snowing when I got up this morning. Isn't now.

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