Docklands, February 2025

Monday, March 20, 2006

Turning into Tony in my Old Age

I *think* I'm feeling better. The aches and pains have gone. The temperature is back to normal. My brain no longer feels as though it's been turned to sludge. My appetite came back yesterday mid-morning and I ate and ate and ate and ate and ate all day. I've more than put back the kilo and a bit I lost while my appetite was AWOL :-( I've still got a spectacular cofffff though and I'm running through the (newly sourced) supply of tissues at quite a rate. And I'm Frannie-oh-so-tired. Still and all -- I'm back at work. Decided that doing my Sunday shift would be a nice, easy slide back into the routine of working life!!

Mind you -- having The Builder at work in Mansfield is a bit of a drag. He leaves at ten to seven so he's up at ten to six or thereabouts. The radio comes on before dawn has even cracked. Even on a Sunday :-S By the time I came into Collegiate this morning I had made breakfast (twice: once for him, once for me at a more civlized time), packed two lunches, washed up two lots of dishes, cleared up in the bathroom, swept the kitchen floor, tidied up, put things away, done two loads of washing, put yesterdays washing away .... It's no wonder I'm exhausted! I'm completely out to the world by the time the 10:00 news comes on!!!!!!!

Had a nice day yesterday. Freyja and I had each managed to off load our boy for the afternoon and decided to go out and Do the charity shops together. We started at one end of Ecclesall Road, intending to do the lot. In the very first one I bought a pair of spotty shoes for Freyja and a Pig Picture for Taffa. We ambled up Ecc Road, calling into various charity shops, then decided to move off course to Sharrowvale Road. There are some lovely shops on Sharrowvale Road now. Was very down at heel when we first arrived in Sheffield. Some very fancy interior decorating shops, rather nice clothes shops. The Frantaniastic Greek Deli (the Italian one has gone!). We called into Jesters, back on Ecc Road and played with the toys. We pootled and tootled and had a great time. It's simply ages and ages since I've done Ecclesall Road and Sharrowvale. Partly because I'm almost never about when they're open. Any weekends I've had free since we came back from Australia we've been away. Was a great way to spend an afternoon. Then we went home for tea.

The sun came out mid-way through the afternoon. It's been grey and gloomy and drear for so long that I'd forgotten just how cheerful the place looks in the sunshine. It has been unusually cold and miserable for March. The birds liked the sunshine too. One of the dunnocks came and sat in the fuschia and preened and cleaned and fluffed and sang and everybody ate lots of seed. The blackbirds have found the raisin supply on the new bird table!

Tabitha and Gareth called around late in the afternoon. Tabitha had bought Freyja and me a pair of knickers each. Mine have loads of cherries on them. Would have invited them to stay for dinner (T and G, not the new knickers) but we were having trout (steamed in foil with garlic, butter and lime wedges) and Taffa doesn't like fish. She would have liked the accompanying sweet chilli noodles with vegetable slices and tiger prawns though. Never mind. They're coming tonight for roast chicken. Freyja has gone to Mark's parents place so won't have to worry about veggie alternatives to roast chook!

The downside about having been at home all week poorly sick is that I have almost stopped house hunting. Must get back into it. Our house is out there somewhere, just waiting for us to find it. Perhaps I'll trawl around some estate agents next Saturday. When I will not be working. But The Builder probably will be. Assuming I can have the car. The Builder's van is still poorly ill in the van hospital and he's going back and forth to Mansfield in the car. Though I don't think he'll be in Mansfield next Saturday. I think he'll be back at Carla's a mere 5 minute drive away. No need for the radio to come on at half past five next Saturday. HOORAY!!!!!!!

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