Ise Shima, Japan, November 2024

Saturday, March 27, 2010

The allotment

A little while back, the Under Gardener was up on the allotment where there was also a man with a small plough.  Not very much money changed hands, and the Under Gardener had arranged for the man to brush-cut, plough and rotavate the bottom half of the allotment.  We've only ever cultivated one bed at the bottom, right down the back near the jungle. The rest has been untouched for years.

A few days later, the man returned, and within the space of an hour or so, the bottom part of the allotment looked like a well-tended small field.  Even the jungle had been chopped down - though not cultivated.  A project for another year, I think.

So now the Under Gardener is digging and manuring, and creating proper garden beds ready for planting later in the spring.  The visit to Australia in April will be lots of fun - but I do now understand Margaret and Jack's agitation that they should return to the UK form their December/January visits to Melbourne in time to get the seeds planted!  But I think I might set some seeds going before we leave and hope that the cat sitters remember to water them.

In the meantime, the Under Gardener has planted a bed full of onions and shallots.  I think we might get more onion sets and plant up a second bed.  The beds on the allotment are considerably bigger than the ones in the kitchen garden - but you can't have too many onions.  We have already run out of last season's.  I wonder if it would be excessive to buy a third freezer just for onions?

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