Ise Shima, Japan, November 2024

Friday, January 15, 2010

Playing in the e-January sales

At some point during The Snow, I noticed that the things in our fridge were not feeling particularly cold. More kind of cool. On the other hand, it was minus something in our kitchen unless the oven was on, so no doubt the fridge was quite warm by comparison.

Only – at work people were discussing having to turn their fridges down, because everything was freezing.

I decided to try an experiment, and turned the fridge right up as high as it would go.

Result? Nothing in particular. Everything remained cool but not absolutely cold, and certainly not frozen.

There is definitely electricity going into the fridge – the light comes on when I open the door. I began to suspect that whatever it is that generates cold in a fridge had gone on strike. Not that it matters much. It is still minus something in the kitchen, except for when the oven is on. But no doubt it will eventually warm up a bit. There is something of a thaw happening as we speak. And by August it might well matter. And they don’t generally have fridges at sale prices in August, whereas they do in January. Time for a new one. Off to the Curry’s website to have a look-see.

Our fridge is a built-in one, hiding behind a cupboard door. To buy a new, built-in one that would hide behind a cupboard door was going to cost something in the region of £700!!!!!!!!! An under-the-counter fridge, not hidden behind a cupboard door was £150. Not sure I have ever understood why it is necessary to hide the fridge. I can see that it might be an advantage if you have a horde of teenage boys about your person – but no matter how well you might hide a fridge from them, teenage boys will always be able to sniff it out! And, I discover, under-the-counter fridges are not only cheaper but also considerably larger than built-in, hidden ones. I ordered one of those.

It is possible that I might, accidentally, without noticing and certainly without malice aforethought, possibly also have ordered a 32”, flat screen, digital television while I was about it. Maybe!

They’re coming tomorrow, sometime between 10 and 2. I wonder where we can put the television.

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