Ise Shima, Japan, November 2024

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Iva Nedake (well, I did have)

I am not much prone to headaches.  Hardly ever get them.  So it was a somewhat disagreeable surprise to wake up at about 3am on Monday morning to find that I had a particularly unpleasant one :-(

It was an even less agreeable surprise to wake up at getting up time on Monday morning to find that I not only still had the hedache but that now I also had a stiff neck and very sore shoulders. :-(

I decided not to go to work.

I didn't go to work yesterday either. Headache, stiff neck and sore shoulders still in place, accompanied now by lower back pain.

The Builder also had a headache.  This is extremely unusual.  He practically never gets them.

I have come back to work today.  My neck, shoulders and lower back are still very unhappy - but the headache has finally gone away.  Mercifully.  I think The Builder's has gone now too.  I don't think he ever had backache though.

It was all a bit irritating, though.  I had spent ages on Sunday getting lots of yummy lunch things ready for the first half of the week!!

I have discovered a disadvantage to having a large, new telly in a room with comfy chairs.  I sit down, in my comfy chair, next to the nice, warm radiator, and get ready to pit my brain against the nation's finest in, say, University Challenge, or prepare myself to drool over the Hairy Bikers and their Sunday Lunches - and promptly go to sleep!  Was much easier to stay awake and concentrate when I was gazing at a small screen from the solidity of a dining chair!!


I came to work this morning from a two-car family.  We are now reduced to one.  It may be just as well I brought The Vixen to work with me or she might have gone too!  But The Builder decided that we no longer require two cars now that he has stopped working.  Plus he had rather a substantial tax bill to pay.  Oscar has been sacrificed to appease the appetites of the tax man.  Mind you, he had hardly been out of the driveway since The Builder retired, and it's quite an expensive indulgence to have a car sitting, immobile, in the driveway.  I think The Builder did have some thoughts about selling The Vixen too  and buying something else - fortunately he rethought.  The Vixen is a nice car, easy on fuel usage and a pleasure to drive.  No point getting rid of a perfectly good car for no real reason!

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