Docklands, February 2025

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Thursday Afternoon

So what did I do on Thursday afternoon? A bit of something useful in the house, a bit of something useful outside, a bit of TV watching - no library book browsing.

I'm quite pleased with the way the patio is shaping up. It's beginning to look quite inviting. I am very pleased with my vegetable beds and with the front porch. The porch is also looking quite inviting. I've rejigged it a little since we last looked at it. The table is now immediately in front of the guest bedroom window and the lavender has moved into the corner. Where I had the table before, one of the chairs was right in front of the support pillar and was a bit inconvenient for walking past. It looks better now

This was my view from the chair when I was sat there yesterday evening

And this is from inside the guest bedroom

While I was engaged in all this activity, I moved the spare pavers from where they have been propped against the house wall on the porch. I think they've been there, undisturbed, for three or four years. I lifted each one carefully, looking for spiders. I wasn't expecting to find redbacks - their webs are very distinctive. But pavers, left undisturbed on the porch for several years, would be a tempting home for a redback and I had no wish to seriously upset any resident. Happily, there were no redbacks.  There were no spiders at all. But there was this:

It was a little bit bigger and fatter than a skink.
It was unhappy about its pavers being disturbed.
It moved quite fast and climbed the house wall

I can confidently say that I was not expecting a gecko!!!

The visitor who was taken ill and went to hospital has now recovered enough to be discharged. They are all heading back home today. So that's good news

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