Docklands, February 2025

Monday, January 13, 2025

Mostly Gardening

Lindsey and I went to the Lakeside market on Saturday morning. It was a beautiful morning and the market was nice and busy. The lake was sparkling. The people were happy. The egg people and the tomato people were there. The olive oil man wasn't but I'm ok for olive oil for now.

The Smythes Creek  farmgate shop is now closed, while they sort out their new place in Delacombe. So we went to Wilson's instead. We went to Aldi for a look see. I came home with veg and eggs, tomatoes and milk, bits and pieces.

Saturday was, on the whole, a lovely day. Blue sky, fluffy clouds, still, about 30d.

Sunday was cold by comparison. And wet. It was the one of the few bursts of good rain that we've had for a while.

Lindsey and I went supermarket shopping and got caught in rain downpours from time to time.

What do you do on a wet Sunday afternoon in January? I finally got around to building my egg chair that came a few weeks ago and has been sitting on the front porch in a big box. Putting the basket together was more of a struggle than I expected it to be. The rest of it was fairly straightforward. I moved it all outside once it got bigger and bigger, and especially when I was battling with the basket. By then, the rain had reduced to light and refreshing.

The plan, when I bought it, was to put it here, where it presently is. That bit of the garden has a lovely cool, green shade on hot summer afternoons and I thought it would be a lovely place to sit. I am, however, considering putting it on the patio instead, and possibly moving the table and benches onto the lawn. I am considering moving the herb beds up along, past where the barbecue is, to where the very overgrown side garden bed is. I am considering getting rid of the barbecue, which I never use. I am considering clearing the overgrown garden bed.

I was also considering cutting the grass, but I did that this morning so I am no longer considering it 😛

I have tidied up the front porch

This is a pineapple lily that Chris and
John brought with them last Sunday.
I wasn't sure where I was going to put it
but it seems quite happy on the little table.

The vegetable beds are looking happy. They are enjoying the summer, which so far has been warmer and more settled than previous summer seasons

Tomato hedge

Zucchini and cucumber hedge

Sweet corn, pumpkin and green beans

Mostly runner beans

And now I need to get myself organised and head to Melbourne. I am joining various people for dinner this evening and I am playing with Ghost overnight. Freyja and Simon have left Europe and are now on their way home, via a few days in Kuala Lumpur so this will be my last visit with Ghost, for a little while at least.

But first, I had better sort my cats out. Not that they think they need sorting out. They are outside on the patio, snoozing in the sunshine