Docklands, February 2025

Monday, January 06, 2025

Sunday Lunch

The Sunday Lunchers came to my place yesterday, for an Epiphany lunch. It was also my first lunch party of 2025.

It was hot!

I didn't take any photos, although I wish I had remembered to take a picture of our entree. I made small Yorkshire puddings (I had intended to make slightly bigger ones but the oil wasn't hot enough when I poured the batter into my larger tray and I had to default to Plan B, which was the smaller ones). When they were cooked I cut a lid off the top, then I spread some pate over the bottom, topped with buttered leeks, then thinly sliced, rare beef fillet. I put a little red wine reduction (thank you, Maggie Beer) over the top and then put the lid back on. They were very cute and very tasty.

We had turkey slices in a garlic and cheese sauce with roast potatoes and green vegetables for our main, and a deconstructed pavlova for dessert - berries and mango in the trifle bowl, topped with whipped cream,  small meringue circles and chocolate sauce.

It was all very delicious and the company was excellent.

A good afternoon and a good start to the year.

A cold change blew in overnight. From a top yesterday of around 36/37d, today's top is forecast to be 19 in Mount Helen. It is very dark this morning and we have some welcome, heavy rain.

I wish I had thought to bring the clothes horse inside yesterday evening. I am not much inclined to go out and bring it inside right now!

I am heading down to Melbourne later today. It's forecast to be around 24d there. I might take a light jumper anyway

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