Docklands, February 2025

Wednesday, January 08, 2025


I was at Ghost's place in Northcote on Monday night. I went down early afternoon, having spent Monday morning clearing, cleaning and tidying.

Ghost was very pleased to see me, once she had decided that it was me and not Brenda The Burgular Breaking in. She peeped cautiously around the end of the bed, assessed the situation, then bounced down the hallway to greet me with enthusiastic requests for treats, please. (It's not as though she had been alone all that long. Ross had been there earlier in the day)

I met Lindsey for dinner. We went to The Fox in Collingwood. I haven't been there for ages. My grilled barramundi was perfectly cooked.

This is not barramundi, but it does look a very great deal like a larger version of Freyja's hippo Bernard, carousing in The Fox and eying off my barramundi:


Treats, please

I would like to go out onto the
forbidden balcony, please

I would like to do your Japanese lesson, please

Morning view:

I had a Japanese lesson at 8:00, then got organised and headed into Fairfield for breakfast. It was around 10:15 when I got to Oasis and had to decide what I wanted to eat. I knew I wanted coffee, but what to have with it. I decided on an early chicken shawarma brunch. It was very tasty but I wasn't expecting chilli. The menu description talked of garlic sauce and BBQ mayo. No mention of chilli. I am not a fan, and it definitely made the coffee taste peculiar.

Just after Christmas I ordered a few Australian Christmas decorations from a shop which I thought was in Spencer Street in the city. I didn't notice that I had actually ordered them from their Ascot Vale branch until they rang to tell me the order was ready but that Ascot Vale would be closed until January 5th. Not that it mattered. I wouldn't be in Melbourne to collect them before then anyway, and Ascot Vale was possibly easier to get to from Northcote. It's an easy drive.

Once upon a very, very long time ago, I used to go to Ascot Vale from time to time, to the little library there. I don't think I've been there for very many years. The library itself is closed for renovations, but is pretty much opposite the shop where I had gone to pick up my shopping.

A brief trip down memory lane

The shop itself was rather cute and filled with fun things to buy. Not that I did. I picked up my order and that was all. I do not need any more stuff at my place! But I would be interested to inspect their Spencer Street branch the next time I am in the city.

I was back at my place last night. To add to my general level of confusion, I am not at work today, when I would usually be. I have a Japanese lesson booked at lunchtime, not at the usual 8:00 (and I don't usually do classes on Wednesdays). I am up at Hugo's place this afternoon. I am working Thursday and Friday this week. It's all a bit discombobulating!

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