Docklands, February 2025

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Long Weekend

Yesterday was the Australia Day public holiday. Australia Day itself was on Sunday but the day off was observed on Monday.

Not that this particularly affected me. I don't usually work on Mondays anyway, and anything that I might have wanted to do yesterday was  available. As it happens, I only went to the IGA with Lindsey.

It was very hot yesterday. It was one of the hottest days we've had in Ballarat for quite some years. A cool change came through overnight and today is a very pleasant summer's day.

I was watering the gardens yesterday morning, ahead of the heat later in the day. I looked over the fence from the front yard to the back and thought: "That leaf looks very much like a small apple!" I went to investigate, and much to my surprise it was a small apple. I wasn't expecting to get any apples this year. That little tree had produced blossom but the tree next to it had not. Someone nearby must have an apple tree

Tony's rosebush is looking happy. At least, I think it's happy. It's flowering with enthusiasm. There have already been a couple of blooms. There are two more now and several rosebuds. I hope that means the bush is happy and not that it's having a final, flowering fling!

The flowers smell delightful

Apart from farewelling Hugo and lunching at the Shared Table on Sunday, I mostly did regular weekend things. A Japanese lesson then a wander around the Lakeside market on Saturday morning. Top up supermarket shopping.  Some gentle tidying in the house, a potter in the garden. 

I did get hugely frustrated with the carpet in the lounge room. I am frustrated by all the carpet, really, but especially in the lounge room. There are lots of dead flies on the floor and they all seem to die around the skirting boards and are very difficult to remove. There is cat fur embedded in the carpet; it is almost impossible to remove, even with the carpet scraper, carpet sweeper, stiff bristled broom and vacuum cleaner. I get flies and cat fur on the tiles in the dining room and kitchen as well. They take about 10 minutes to remove with a standard, ordinary broom. I have sent to a carpet company to see how much it will cost to have the carpet in the lounge room replaced with laminate flooring! 

I am working Wednesday, Thursday and Friday this week and then I have four weeks off. I have about 12 weeks of Long Service Leave and 10 weeks of annual leave sitting waiting to be used. I thought perhaps I should make a start on using it.

Monday, January 27, 2025

The Shared Table, Buninyong

At Christmas I gave Lindsey and Ian a voucher to the Shared Table in Buninyong.

It uses almost entirely local, regional or Victorian ingredients (in that order of preference).

It has recently been awarded a Chef Hat* by the Australia Good Food Guide. I did not know that when I got the voucher.

Anyway, yesterday was Australia Day and Lindsey and Ian decided to use their voucher for Sunday Lunch. Very generously, they invited me to accompany them.

We had the chefs' savoury selection which was:

Fresh baked bread
with a savoury spread
with Japanese notes

Mortadella with pickled vegetables

Blini with whipped cod roe
and Yarra valley caviar

Warmed olives

Followed by:

Tiny pork pies -
fillets of pork
in a very delicate pastry

Sesame prawn toasts

And the main:

Roast beef with
radicchio, asparagus, peas
and a red wine jus

A salad of chickpeas, cauliflower
and grapes

Then Ian and I shared a dessert (because it sounded intriguing)

Tofu donuts,
seasonal fruit and
ice cream

There was of course:

A table with a view:

It was all very delicious.

Stella always said that the tasting menu at the Shared Table was interesting, innovative and very tasty. She was not wrong!

(* A Chef Hat is roughly the equivalent of a Michelin Star, but Michelin does not operate in Australia.)


First and last photos:




With some of his people:



With Rupert:


At home:

When an older Great Dane loses its appetite, loses its waggy tail, loses its enthusiasm; when its ears droop and its bounce disappears; when it only wants very short walks; when it struggles to breathe ... When all that happens, you know that is is time to say your farewells.

Hugo was a couple of weeks short of his 8th birthday, which isn't bad going for a Dane. He had been going downhill for a little while but while he was eating, enjoying his walks and enjoying his visitors there was no need for the hard decisions. Then he stopped eating. If Hugo stopped eating, all was definitely not well. Hugo loved food.

Yesterday morning, Lindsey and Ian made the decision and later in the afternoon the vet from The Kindest Goodbye came to visit. It was the same vet who came for Rupert's final farewell. Very gentle, very kind.

I would not be surprised if Rupert and Jim were waiting for him. The screen saver on my laptop is random photos from my general album. Jim and Rupert came up many more times yesterday than they usually do.  We have long intended to put Jim and Ruperts' ashes into the garden at Hill House, but somehow haven't got around to it. Obviously they/we were waiting for Hugo. We'll scatter all three of them together when Hugo's ashes come home

RIP and vale

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Thursday Afternoon

So what did I do on Thursday afternoon? A bit of something useful in the house, a bit of something useful outside, a bit of TV watching - no library book browsing.

I'm quite pleased with the way the patio is shaping up. It's beginning to look quite inviting. I am very pleased with my vegetable beds and with the front porch. The porch is also looking quite inviting. I've rejigged it a little since we last looked at it. The table is now immediately in front of the guest bedroom window and the lavender has moved into the corner. Where I had the table before, one of the chairs was right in front of the support pillar and was a bit inconvenient for walking past. It looks better now

This was my view from the chair when I was sat there yesterday evening

And this is from inside the guest bedroom

While I was engaged in all this activity, I moved the spare pavers from where they have been propped against the house wall on the porch. I think they've been there, undisturbed, for three or four years. I lifted each one carefully, looking for spiders. I wasn't expecting to find redbacks - their webs are very distinctive. But pavers, left undisturbed on the porch for several years, would be a tempting home for a redback and I had no wish to seriously upset any resident. Happily, there were no redbacks.  There were no spiders at all. But there was this:

It was a little bit bigger and fatter than a skink.
It was unhappy about its pavers being disturbed.
It moved quite fast and climbed the house wall

I can confidently say that I was not expecting a gecko!!!

The visitor who was taken ill and went to hospital has now recovered enough to be discharged. They are all heading back home today. So that's good news

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Animal Caring Tag Team Relay

 I went down to Melbourne late on Monday afternoon and went directly to Clifton Hill where I was having dinner with my brother Simon, and various members of his family, along with Lindsey and Ian. I hadn't seen Simon and his people since Stella's party in August so it was good to catch up.

Then I drove to Ghost's place, where she was very pleased to see me. Anyone would think she had been abandoned for days and days and days, although it was only a matter of hours. However, I think she is aware that she can extort more treats out of me than she can out of Ross 😂

You're back! Finally!
Where are my treats?

Good morning. Hope you are well.
Where are my treats?

I had a Japanese lesson at 8:00 on Tuesday morning, then Wendy came around and we went out to Kissaten for breakfast

A cooked breakfast smells delightful when it is delivered to your table in a covered outside courtyard

Breakfast for me

and breakfast for Wendy

I made my way home in a leisurely manner in the early afternoon. Brandy and Whiskey were pleased to see me but I had been gone for less than 24 hours so they weren't absolutely excited.

I called in to see Hugo on my way home from work yesterday. He was also pleased to see me, and especially pleased to get his dinner. Not that his dinner was late and nor had he been abandoned for more than a few hours, when Ross left to make his way down to Ghost's house

The animal caring tag team relay is just about to finish. Freyja and Simon get back in the early hours of tomorrow morning so there will be no need for Ross or me to run up and down between Mount Helen and Northcote

I was expecting to be out for lunch today with some interstate visitors who are staying in Melbourne but one of them has been taken ill and is in hospital so the lunch has been abandoned. I am trying to decide whether to do something useful in the house or to do something useful in the garden - or whether to do nothing useful at all and to browse through my library books, both of which are about using native ingredients in your cooking. I suppose I could spread the love and do a combination of all of those things

Monday, January 13, 2025

Mostly Gardening

Lindsey and I went to the Lakeside market on Saturday morning. It was a beautiful morning and the market was nice and busy. The lake was sparkling. The people were happy. The egg people and the tomato people were there. The olive oil man wasn't but I'm ok for olive oil for now.

The Smythes Creek  farmgate shop is now closed, while they sort out their new place in Delacombe. So we went to Wilson's instead. We went to Aldi for a look see. I came home with veg and eggs, tomatoes and milk, bits and pieces.

Saturday was, on the whole, a lovely day. Blue sky, fluffy clouds, still, about 30d.

Sunday was cold by comparison. And wet. It was the one of the few bursts of good rain that we've had for a while.

Lindsey and I went supermarket shopping and got caught in rain downpours from time to time.

What do you do on a wet Sunday afternoon in January? I finally got around to building my egg chair that came a few weeks ago and has been sitting on the front porch in a big box. Putting the basket together was more of a struggle than I expected it to be. The rest of it was fairly straightforward. I moved it all outside once it got bigger and bigger, and especially when I was battling with the basket. By then, the rain had reduced to light and refreshing.

The plan, when I bought it, was to put it here, where it presently is. That bit of the garden has a lovely cool, green shade on hot summer afternoons and I thought it would be a lovely place to sit. I am, however, considering putting it on the patio instead, and possibly moving the table and benches onto the lawn. I am considering moving the herb beds up along, past where the barbecue is, to where the very overgrown side garden bed is. I am considering getting rid of the barbecue, which I never use. I am considering clearing the overgrown garden bed.

I was also considering cutting the grass, but I did that this morning so I am no longer considering it 😛

I have tidied up the front porch

This is a pineapple lily that Chris and
John brought with them last Sunday.
I wasn't sure where I was going to put it
but it seems quite happy on the little table.

The vegetable beds are looking happy. They are enjoying the summer, which so far has been warmer and more settled than previous summer seasons

Tomato hedge

Zucchini and cucumber hedge

Sweet corn, pumpkin and green beans

Mostly runner beans

And now I need to get myself organised and head to Melbourne. I am joining various people for dinner this evening and I am playing with Ghost overnight. Freyja and Simon have left Europe and are now on their way home, via a few days in Kuala Lumpur so this will be my last visit with Ghost, for a little while at least.

But first, I had better sort my cats out. Not that they think they need sorting out. They are outside on the patio, snoozing in the sunshine