Bell Avenue, Mount Helen August 2024

Monday, July 08, 2024

Weekly Round Up

I went out to the crematorium on Monday and picked up Stella. I also picked up Tony and The Bear. Stella had taken Tony's bear, and thus his ashes, everywhere with her and we thought she should perhaps take them on her final journey. So now I have Stella, Tony and Jim's ashes at my place. All I need now are Rupert's and I would have a Full House!

Before: Tony and The Bear, with Farley
at my place

(For the avoidance of doubt
Farley is still on my couch
and has not made his way into the hereafter!)

We are intending, eventually, to scatter Jim and Rupert around the scrubby bits of the garden at Hill House - where it won't matter if they poison the plants. There are mostly blackberries and other undesirables in the area we have in mind. There will, however, be a good view. Stella and Tony's ashes will eventually go back to Mount Martha, with a tiny amount held back to return to England, the next time someone is heading that way.

We have had communication with the probate solicitor and I have communicated with the British pension people and with Centrelink. We have cancelled all of Stella's direct debits, apart from her phone payments. We need to keep her phone active for now.  Fortunately, I am not an executor of the will, so have no formal actions to take.

We have noticed recently that the Smythes Creek Farmgate Shop has become extremely busy on Saturdays, to the point that you can't move properly to look at things. They are open 6 days a week, and until later on Thursdays. So Lindsey and I went out onThursday afternoon to see what was what. Much better. They still had a fully stocked shop, and there were a few other people there. But it was much easier to move around and you could have a proper look at things to decide what you might want to buy. We might go on Thursdays in future.

We did go shopping on Saturday, but not out to Smythes Creek and nor to the market. The Lakeside market wasn't on and we don't usually bother with the Bridge Mall market. We went into town for a potter around, then to Wilson's.

Now you find me in Northcote. Freyja and Simon have gone to the Dandenongs for a few days. I can wave at them from their balcony

I can see the city from the bedroom:

My gaff for the night:

And my housemate:

I won't be here for the whole time they're away. I'm heading home later this morning to play with my own housemates. In the meantime, I am  drinking tea and enjoying watching the sun rise over the Dandenongs. Meanwhile, Ghost is enjoying lounging on her electric couch blanket

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