Docklands, February 2025

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Ziggy is back


The last you heard of Ziggy, I think, was when it went in for repairs after it sounded an alarm and then it broke down in Mount Clear at the beginning of February.

It was taken to the My Car in Delacombe where they would fix it, but not for a few days.

I rang them a few days later and was told it would be ready to collect later that day.

I was JUST about to hop on a bus to go and pick it up when someone else rang and said it wasn't ready and, in fact, there were significant (and expensive!) problems that would need addressing.

But I was told this morning .... No, that was a mistake. The person was taking about an entirely different car.

You can understand that I was very suspicious about this. I said I would have to think about it. It was a lot of money, and really much more than was worth putting into a 12 year old car.

After much thinking, researching, and discussion with people who know about cars I decided to have it repaired.  I could have borrowed the money to buy a new car, but ideally I would like to buy a plug-in hybrid. These are still very expensive and I couldn't justify borrowing that amount of money. If I bought a new petrol car, I would never get my plug-in hybrid. I couldn't see any point in buying a second hand car. I might just as well use the money to repair the one I already had.

And now, some weeks later, Ziggy has come home, all fixed up. It's nice to have it back. Although I do rather miss some of the features of the Audi which I had borrowed over the past few weeks. The reversing camera was extremely useful, as were the lights on the side mirrors, which alert you when there is a vehicle alongside.  On the other hand, Ziggy is much smaller and fits into tight parking spaces, and costs half the amount to fill with fuel (although it also needs to be filled more often)


  1. I didn’t realise you had a loan car all that time. I was still envisioning you ‘taking the bus’ everywhere. A bit of a difficult decision that - hopefully Ziggy doesn’t play up again after all that cash outlay

    1. Ah. No, I borrowed my sister and brother in law's spare car once it became available. Made life considerably easier and much less time consuming. So far, fingers crossed, Ziggy is running very smoothly.
