Docklands, February 2025

Saturday, March 16, 2024


This was the patio last Saturday:

If you remember, I said at the time
that it needed sweeping

And now I have swept it:

I would never want to get rid of the trees in the tiny council-owned "woodland" over the back fence (although a couple of saplings may need to be sacrificed for the sake of the fence - they are growing very close to it) but they do produce a LOT of leafy rubbish in my garden! I have half filled the garden rubbish bin already, and I haven't even begun to tackle the grassy bit of garden, not to mention the back walkway, which I haven't done anything with for a very long time.

When Jim was here I used the small study all the time, for working from home, online Japanese lessons, anything where I needed to be undisturbed. Even when he got sick, he still knew that if I was in there then I was doing something that he shouldn't interrupt. Now that he is not here, I don't really use it much at all. I have colonised the dining table for working, studying, messing about on the internet - pretty much everything, really.

This is the view from the dining table:

And in the evening:

You can see why I don't use the study very much. All it looks onto is the back fence. I might need to rethink its use. One day. In the fullness of time. Maybe.


  1. Sometimes I think I wouldn’t mind a bit of hard standing - so easy just to sweep and it’s all gone. Then I th8nk no my back deck will do me. It got a roof so I can sit out there in the rain and not get wet. Are you very dry over your way?

    1. Morning Cathy. I do sometimes think about putting a lid over the patio but then there is always something else to spend the time and money on so it never gets beyond "thinking vaguely about it".

      It has been very dry here for the past few weeks, although our local reservoir is still full enough. I have put a washing bowl in the kitchen sink that I am using to catch water, which is watering the raised beds, pots and tubs quite nicely
