Docklands, February 2025

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Sunday and Monday of the Labour Day Weekend

I celebrated the commemoration of the 8 hour working day legislation by doing - not very much!

It was quite hot over the two days, although not especially humid so the weather was mostly quite pleasant in Ballarat. It was hot overnight, though and, despite having a fan in the bedroom, I didn't sleep very well. So I was quite sluggish during the days.

I did weed most of the grass out of the bed with the peach, lime and apple trees. A nice and easy little  garden job. I have shifted some soil around into an unused (this year, at least) garden bed out the front. I need to fix up the far end of it and let the soil settle and then I'll put some autumn sowing vegetable seeds in. I did not sweep the floors or clean the kitchen or do any of the other household and garden tasks that are usually on my Long Weekend List of Things To Do. I did do a Japanese class on Saturday morning, which was rather fun. I went and visited Stella yesterday afternoon.

But mostly, I spent two days in what might be seen as wasteful indolence. Or perhaps as a restful holiday weekend.

The weather has changed today. It's in the mid 20s and much more humid and very cloudy. It feels as though it might rain, although there is no rain in the forecast. I have now cleaned the kitchen and swept the floors. I have done some washing and ironing. I have swept the leaves from the patio and raked the leaves from the back lawn. The garden bin is ready to go out for its fortnightly collection. And shortly I need to go and take Stella to her GP appointment, and then go and play with Hugo and give him his dinner

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