Docklands, February 2025

Saturday, September 16, 2023


I went and saw my solicitor on Thursday. He didn't seem particularly perturbed by Jim's death certificate. He agreed that the 10 year onset of Alzheimer's dementia was wrong but couldn't see any value in challenging it at this stage.

Apparently, because we bought the house jointly, his share automatically became mine on Jim's death. And Jim didn't have any other assets of sufficient value to be problematic. If the solicitor isn't worried, then I am not going to worry.

He made formally certified copies of the death and marriage certificates. He decided I didn't need a new will unless I wanted to change anything (I don't). He said he would act to transfer the house title to my name, although I want to wait for that until I am clearer what my monthly income will be. All appears to be well.

I was in his office for all of half an hour, and then went to have lunch with Rupert and Hugo, who were delighted to see me. That may have had something to do with the party pies I had with me!

I was working yesterday and I am also working this morning. I stayed in Lindsey and Ian's flat in East Melbourne overnight. I rather enjoyed not having a two hour drive home - although the traffic on and around Hoddle Street was unusually chaotic. No idea why. I had pizza from the pizza shop under my feet and went to bed nice and early.

This was my early morning view, when I got up today:

And here is Brandy, enjoying his early morning view on Thursday:

The weather bods are talking of there being a spring heat wave this week. The forecast is, it must be said, rather pleasant. Until you get to Wednesday, when the temperature in Ballarat is predicted to drop from 22d to 13d! Perhaps I'll actually be able to get into the garden before the weather changes. And maybe I won't put the winter jumpers away just yet.

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