Docklands, February 2025

Monday, September 18, 2023


As you are aware, I was working on Saturday morning. We were very quiet. Pathology was very busy.

I finished just after 12:45 and went out to Alphington, where I met Freyja and Simon in a little cafe called Kissaten. I have driven past it several times and thought how cute it was that a coffee shop was called by the Japanese word for a coffee shop. I had never been in, or even paused to look, although I have once or twice used the fuel station a few doors up.

It's lovely. The menu is Japanese inspired but not exclusively Japanese. We sat out in the courtyard, for the  weather was pleasant and it was relatively warm. Freyja had a ramen bowl, Simon had a katsu tofu sandwich, and I had a chicken katsu curry which was very delicious.

Then we went to Northcote to look at the outside of the flat that they will be moving into at the beginning of October. I am very much looking forward to seeing the inside next time. Underneath the flat is a rather nice grocery and wine shop. I am looking forward to exploring that too.

And then I came home.

On Sunday, Lindsey, Stella and I went back out to the Wallace pub, to see if the food really was as good as it had been three weeks ago. After all, it might have been a fluke. 

It wasn't! The food was just as good. Stella had salmon over risotto. Lindsey and I had the roast pork. It was a lovely day for a drive out into the country, the food was delicious and the people were delightful. I have definitely added it to my list of weekend pubs.

Not lunch related, but I am yet again re-organising the gardens. Not a lot of reorganising out the front. I'm just putting back one of the hexagonal small beds that I took away last spring. I need somewhere to put a small rose bush and some mixed flower seeds. I've cut the grass. I might do it again if it doesn't rain today.

Out the back I'm putting in some new garden beds for more veg seeds. I'm also rescuing the bed along the back fence which has the lemon trees. I have pulled out the blackcurrant and gooseberry bushes. They weren't thriving and I need the space for other things. And I am slowly pulling out all the long grass which has grown over the past year. 

I am hopeful that there may be a bit more time for keeping the garden up together this year. Hopeful, but not optimistic!

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