Docklands, February 2025

Wednesday, August 09, 2023

Working, Roast Potatoes and a Koffff

I was working on both Friday and Saturday last week and decided to stay overnight in the flat, rather than running up and down the highway on both days.

I invited Freyja and Simon to come round for roast potatoes on Friday night.

Freyja invited me to go and pick her up after work. She works at La Trobe University, not far from the surgery. "Meet me in Car Park 8", she said. So off I went. And got sucked into a wilderness of car parking areas, in the dark with no clear idea where I was or how to get to Freyja or how to get out. It was VERY dark. It was very disconcerting. Eventually I found a control point and asked the nice man inside it how to get to Car Park 8. He gave me clear instructions and eventually I found both the car park AND Freyja.

I had no idea how close the University is to the back of the Polaris shopping and apartment complex!

We picked up Simon and went to the flat, where we had roasted lemon and thyme potatoes and green things, plus wine for dinner

There was, of course, gravy as well

I woke up on Saturday with a slight sore throat and a head that felt as though it had been filled with cold porridge. I put it down to having gone to bed later than usual and went to work - where I had to try very hard to concentrate. I also developed a cough. Then I had a text message from Melbourne Pathology for Jim, whose path results come to my phone. Negative for flu and covid but positive for RSV. I had seen him on Thursday and had noted that he had a cough but hadn't paid much attention. By the time I got home, having concentrated very, very hard on the drive back to Ballarat, I was exhausted, had a proper cough, a runny nose, real brain fog and a scratchy throat.

The only time I have left the house since was to make a brief visit yesterday to the Buninyong Foodworks for some milk. I went there only because I foolhardily left at about the time the schools come out and heading into Mount Clear, where I usually go, was likely to take a LONG time. I wore a mask while in the supermarket and ran across one of the very few people that I know in Buninyong - who wasn't sure that it was actually me, until I spoke. I practically never run across people that I know when in either Buninyong or Mount Clear.

I was talking to someone on the phone on Sunday and said that all I really wanted to do was to drink tea and eat cake, except that I didn't have any cake. She pointed out, quite rightly, that I could make cake. I could. I have all the stuff you need for making cake . But I wasn't sure I could really be bothered. Then I remembered that I had apples, from Thursday's Wilson's mystery box, plus blueberries in the freezer, AND a sheet of puff pastry in the fridge that could do to be used up. So I made an apple and blueberry "pot" pie instead of cake. Very frugal and rather delicious. I also have ice cubes of cream in the freezer (I had bought a two litre bottle of cream a little while ago which was significantly reduced for a quick sale and froze it all in ice cube trays and put the cubes in a freezer box. They're perfect when you need a little cream in cooking, or on hot fruit pie!)

Brandy and Whiskey have been pleased that I am at home.
The electric blanket on the couch has been turned on :)

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