Docklands, February 2025

Monday, August 21, 2023


 Lindsey and I called in to check up on Stella yesterday morning. She was as stiff and achey as you would expect after a significant fall, but otherwise ok.

Then we went round to check up on Jim, who we found significantly worse than he had been on Saturday. His breathing was heavy and rapid. He was mostly unconscious or sleeping but clearly anxious when he was awake. The nurses said that he was much worse than he had been when they had been in earlier.

It was very clear that he did not have much time. So Lindsey and I settled in for the day, to see what would happen.

Ian brought sandwiches and drinks for us at lunchtime.

Jim was on palliative medication by now so was calm and peaceful and entirely unconscious. Mid-afternoon we went back to my place. Lindsey went home. I pottered around a bit and then went back to Mount Clear in my car.

At about 5:30 I went home and had something to eat, a glass of wine and fed the cats.

I had just had a second glass of wine and put my pyjamas on when the care facility rang to say that Jim had just died. Impeccable timing 😊 (I'm sure he did it on purpose. I had told him I was going home to have food, wine and to put my pyjamas on and he knew full well that I won't drive after taking wine or, indeed, in my pyjamas!)

I got dressed again and called a taxi and went back to Mount Clear. I didn't stay long. Just long enough to visit Jim, send him on his way and talk to the nurses.  I sent messages to people and spoke to Jim's daughter, sister and sister in law.

I know that death generates a lot of paperwork and much activity and general confusion but just for now, I am drinking coffee and considering having a shower and wondering if anyone rang the funeral director (the nurses said they would but I haven't heard from anyone).

Then, fortified with coffee and a shower and clean clothes I will sally forth back to Mount Clear and get started on the Things To Do.  I should make a list, I suppose.

PS I was somewhat surprised to learn that two of my children did not immediately know what I meant when I said that Jim had dropped off his perch. I had assumed this was a widely used expression but they initially thought that I meant he had had a fall.

9th April, 1942 to 20th August, 2023

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