Docklands, February 2025

Monday, April 24, 2023


Lindsey and I were working on Saturday morning.We do this every four weeks or so, so not particularly noteworthy.

Except that the medical management system wasn't working!

This is not ideal.

Lindsey managed to find a doctor's room where the system was accessible. None of the computers at the reception desk wanted to play.

Fortunately, the late afternoon receptionist prints out the diary for the following day, just in case of such problems, so I at least knew who was supposed to be coming and when. But I couldn't make appointments for the following week, or check up on things or do any of the many things that patients expect the receptionists to do for them. 

Fortunately, people were patient and understanding, so it wasn't disastrously unpleasant. I had quite a good morning. And the management system came back later on in the morning.

Lindsey and I celebrated by going to the large supermarket in Essendon Fields that Ian had taken us to on our return from Japan. La Manna. A bit like Tully's on steroids, or perhaps Costco on a mega dose of valium. Lots of fun! We have added it to our list of places to go when we are in the area. Freyja and Emily both tell us that there is a smaller version in Coburg/Brunswick. Might check that out one day too.

The Handygirl came on Thursday to assemble my new cabinet. It was a troublesome construction. It really didn't want to align properly. Fortunately, the Handygirl persisted and it now looks rather lovely

It was her last day before heading off for overseas adventures
Glad my cabinet gave her something proper to work on 😃

I am thinking of taking the top off the dresser and putting the base in the space between the two cabinets

I can't do this on my own;
it's too bulky and heavy for me to do it
without assistance

It might make an acceptable sideboard, although I think it might be a bit too bulky to fit in aesthetically. Still, might as well give it a whirl. If I really don't like it, then I can put it on Facebook Marketplace or on the Ballarat Buy Nothing group and see what happens. 

(The company that I bought the cabinets from also has  sideboards, made up largely of mismatched drawers, and composed of multicoloured off cuts. I think they look lovely, but I have a feeling if I buy one of them and invite the Handygirls to come and assemble it for me - I might be black banned for ever!!!)

We went and visited Stella and Jim yesterday afternoon. Jim has largely recovered from the fall he had last Sunday evening, which gave him a huge graze on his forehead and a mighty black eye. We couldn't find his walker, though. So while he ate cake and drank non-alcoholic beer, and Lindsey kept him company, I went hunting for it. I eventually found it in a rather lovely, little sitting room tucked away in a far corner of the residence. I had no idea this little corner existed. Somewhere else for me to look for him when I come to visit and he is nowhere to be found.

Stella is doing well. We tried to sort out her new watch so she can see the watch face and also so she can hear it when she asks it to tell her the time. I'll go in today and check if it's still working.

It's a beautiful morning today. I might even get chance to get out into the garden and do some useful things before I go to visit Stella and Jim, and then head up to Rupert and Hugo's place later this afternoon

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