Docklands, February 2025

Sunday, April 30, 2023


I had a call from the finance people at the care home on Thursday. The care home is going to new owners on Monday and the finance people were tying up loose ends. It seems the nearly $30,000 they had said we owed back in September or October still hadn't been sorted out by Services Australia.

Sigh! I had thought that had been sorted out. I had had two letters saying that the daily fee would be the minimum payment and not including any extra payments. But apparently, when the finance person had rung them, they said that Jim's finances "had not been disclosed".


I rang them, and went through the same dance. 

We asked for X and you didn't send it. 

Yes, yes I did. 

No you didn't. 

Yes, I did. I spoke to P on December 22nd and she said everything was there and you were waiting for a code from a different department.

Oh yes. But we haven't got it. Oh look! Yes we have. It's been put on your record and not his.


She says it will be be organised. At least she gave me a reference code this time.

I had a phone call from Stella's pharmacist on Friday to say that her drug chart had expired and he couldn't get hold of her doctor to get it updated. Really? Who have you been calling? Dr A from Tristar? But that isn't her doctor. Her doctor is Dr G from Buninyong. You know this. We've had multiple conversations about this.

Yes, but the Care Home has Dr A down as her doctor.

Sigh! I thought that had been sorted out. Sigh!

The pharmacist said he would call the Buninyong Medical Centre and I haven't heard back so I assume it's all ok. But I will call in on Monday to double check. And talk (again!) to the nurses at the Care Home.

I'm surprised by all this, though. Not only did I think it was sorted out, but Tristar doesn't exist anymore and I believe that Dr A has left town.

I had an email from Jim's Civil Service pension company in the UK thanking me for my question and telling me it had been sent to the Pensions Query department for consideration. I really thought this had been sorted out. They wouldn't accept my (Australian) Power of Attorney to act on Jim's behalf because, not English doncha know. So I got Jim to sign the "I'm not  dead yet" form himself and had it witnessed by the Lifestyle Coordinator at the home. I can't imagine what the issue is now but I expect I'll find out.

I am getting very tired of all this. Not one of these issues should have been complicated or difficult. I am considering running away. But where too?

In better news, I qualified for the State for the electricity subsidy, which arrived in my bank account this week. And the solar panels have arrived ready for installation tomorrow.  

Freyja has gone to a food weekend in an isolated farmhouse in the depths of the Wombat State Forest. I drove her there from the Ballarat station. It was a lovely drive through part of the forest that I had never been into. I'm assuming it wasn't a Mass Murder plot, because she has been sending photos of the food they've been making. Act least, I assume it was she who has been sending them from her phone 😉 I'm picking her up this morning and we are going into Daylesford for lunch.

Perhaps I won't run away after all.

Oh - and I have finally, finally, finally filled in my application for Australian Citizenship. I started it as soon as I qualified for citizenship, ran up agains a hurdle and stopped. I got the paperwork I needed very soon after I realised I needed it but didn't go back to the online form. Freyja has been nagging me to get it done and yesterday I griddled my lions and reopened it. It seems it was almost 18 months since I last looked at it! And it was oh so close to finished. So now I have finished it. I need a certified passport photo, an identification form and a British police certificate. The police certificate may prove difficult - their website is currently offline following a cyber attack. I'm sure it will come back again. At some point! I would sigh about that but really it's my fault for having left the form for 18 months before finishing it

It was Rupert's birthday on Thursday.
It's quite exhausting being six!

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