Bell Avenue, Mount Helen August 2024

Monday, October 21, 2024

Last Week

Last week was a busy and slightly confusing week.

I was at work on Tuesday and Thursday, which meant that Thursday felt like a Friday - except I was also at work on Friday! I had a lot to do, before heading off for three weeks' holiday.

I think I did get it all done.

Lindsey and I headed out for some last minute shopping on Saturday, plus we made a trip out to Elaine to the Farmgate Shop.

It took for ever to convince my printer, after I had installed new ink cartridges, to talk to my wifi router. Eventually I persuaded it.

 Lindsey and I headed out to Meredith to the pub for lunch on Sunday, and very nice it was too.

The weather has picked up quite a bit, notwithstanding the sudden, sharp storms that have visited us. I have pulled the snow pea and garden pea plants, harvested the peas and weeded their beds, ready for planting when I get back. I might not have harvested the peas quite so early but the snails were eating them nd they would need picking anyway while I am away. The brassica bed still needs doing and the rest of the front beds need weeding. That will have to wait now. I have run out of time. But there isn't really any hurry.

The purple and green beans are starting to come up in their tubs out the back, as are the experimental plantings of snow and garden pea plants in small tubs. I have been eating the asparagus (I had a really lovely omelet last night with snow peas, asparagus and feta cheese), the sprouting broccoli and the silverbeet.

Brandy and Whiskey have been enjoying the sunshine.

I am nearly packed and almost ready to head off tomorrow morning. The cat and house sitters are in place, I have bought cat supplies. I have done the washing and ironing.  I still need to clean the bath, in case Freyja wants to use it, and to sweep and vacuum the floors.

Apart from that ...

Sun Worshipper Whiskey 

Spring view from my front porch

Open souva for me at the Meredith pub

and backstrap with feta for Lindsey

Whiskey, dancing around, chasing butterflies, helping with the garden, having fun:

Brandy, not so much πŸ˜‚ :

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