Bell Avenue, Mount Helen August 2024

Tuesday, October 08, 2024

A Market and a Pub

We went to the Bridge Mall/Street market on Saturday morning. The weather was clement. The parking was better than it had been at the lake, the last time we tried to go there. But the market was still very crowded. There isn't as much room for people to spread out.

There was a 30 minute wait for a Tim's Toastie!

There was a queue for the sausage sizzle!

I very foolishly bought some runner bean, tomato and zucchini seedlings. This was foolish only because it is much too early to plant them out in the garden, and in two weeks I am heading off to Japan for three weeks. It should be ok to plant them out by the time I get back, but in the meantime I am relying on my house sitters to water them. Finger crossed!  Also, it was a bit extravagant - I have plenty of seeds for all these plants. I may sow them as well, when I get back.

We went out to Bunnings, where there wasn't a long queue at the sausage sizzle.

We went to The Source, and to the supermarket.

Then we went home.

During the course of the day I did a Japanese lesson, a yoga session, a Japanese vocabulary session. I made a vegetable stock with left over veg from the previous fortnight, a large bowl of ratatouille and a (mostly) green salad. The vegetables from the stock-making went into a bowl, mixed with some chicken for Hugo. I swept the floors, washed some clothes and tidied the kitchen. I remembered to change those clocks which wouldn't automatically change themselves. I went to bed early (although it wasn't very early if you went by the clocks which I had manually changed).

Brandy and Whiskey were a bit surprised by all this activity:

Sunday was a lot less busy than Saturday had been. I joined Lindsey and Ian at The Wallace for lunch, where I had the lamb roast rather than the pork, which I had had two weeks before. I might try something else next time I go. If I am there on a Sunday, which is when I usually go, I pretty much always have the roast and there are other tasty looking things on the menu.

Hugo once again got a box of leftovers, to add to his chicken and vegetable box.

I didn't really do much else on Sunday, apart from a few household tasks. I did do a yoga session and a vocabulary session and I did a little ironing in the morning. Otherwise, it was quite a lazy day.

Spring is tantalising us.

The insects and spiders are beginning to emerge. I've found a couple of small spiders in the house; flies are starting to come in when the sun is shining; there are a few butterflies beginning to appear:

The lavenders, rosemary, apple trees and daisies are flowering and there are a few more tulip flowers in the backyard. There are a few snow peas ready to pick and it won't be long before the green peas are ready (probably while I'm away ๐Ÿ˜”) I've had another small picking of asparagus and there are still silverbeet and sprouting broccoli to harvest.

It is, however, still mostly cold in Mount Helen. Even when it is sunny, and the sun does now have some warmth, the wind is cold. And it has been frosty, or almost frosty on several mornings in the past week or so.

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