Bell Avenue, Mount Helen August 2024

Friday, September 27, 2024


... is a public holiday in Victoria. This is what I have done:

  • Got up early

  • Attended a 50 minute online Japanese lesson

  • Washed the dishes from last night (I still don't have a working dishwasher)

  • Solved the daily puzzles

  • Did a load of washing, which I bravely hung outside

  • Ten minutes of Japanese vocab practice

  • 15 minutes of chair yoga

  • Went to the Smythes Creek Farmgate shop with Lindsey

  • Went to Bunnings to look at garden gates, also with Lindsey

  • Went to the IGA and the local butcher, ditto with Lindsey

  • Had lunch

  • Weeded the asparagus bed, which I should have done in the autumn and which was seriously overgrown. I found six spears of new asparagus. They are now in the kitchen. Fingers crossed for more.

  • Cut the grass in the backyard, but not along the back of the house

  • Brought the (dry!) washing in and put it away

  • Pulled the kale from the front yard, which was going to seed
I also did the usual daily jobs such as making the bed, having a shower, getting dressed and so on. I have yet to organise dinner for me, although I have fed the cats.

I am exhausted!!!!!!!!!

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