Ise Shima, Japan, November 2024

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Trundling Along

Things have been trundling along, mostly fairly quietly.

I didn't go to any markets, farm shops or mushroom farms over the weekend.  I couldn't really be bothered and didn't urgently need anything.

I have now run out of mushrooms and fresh vegetables 😂

Brandy and Whiskey have been enjoying the spring sunshine

and the morning light from our front porch has been golden

 The front "cottage" garden is blooming

On Tuesday afternoon, this was delivered:

The delivery man said I would need to shift it all by day's end to avoid the storms he said were due on Wednesday.  I laughed.  He suggested that I cover it with a tarpaulin.  I haven't got a tarpaulin. It's just going to have to take its chances.  Nothing got washed away the last time I got in a load of soil and some of the things I want this lot for won't be ready for a little while. But in the meantime I have filled up a load of pots, planters and small troughs, plus I have filled the L shaped box by the porch. And now it looks like this:

I think I have used about a quarter of it

We didn't get the forecast (by the delivery bloke, not by the BoM) storm yesterday but we did get over 14 ml of rain last night. I'm hoping that the rain will have compacted the soil in the wooden box a bit, then I can plant the mandarin and orange trees in the short bit of the L.  The long bit will eventually have hellebores, when they arrive. I might put in a couple of zucchini plants and perhaps a cucumber. The hellebores will only be tiny and may enjoy sharing with some friends, as long as they don't get swamped. I've got pots on the porch ready for tomatoes. They didn't do particularly well there last year but I don't know if that was because it was a very odd growing season or whether it really isn't a happy place for tomatoes. I'm going to put a couple of pots in the courtyard as well and see how they do.

The temperature has dropped again. It's cold, damp, grey and gloomy.  I am hopeful that spring will re-assert itself in the next week or so!

A light quiche made with a mountain of
left over vegetables, three small eggs, 
milk and cheese,
served with a cheerful spring salad

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