Docklands, February 2025

Monday, August 22, 2022

Out for Sunday Lunch

When we brought Stella and Jim up to Rupert and Hugo's place for afternoon tea last Thursday we were totally unable to get both Stella's wheelchair and Jim's clunky walker into Lindsey's boot and had to leave the walker behind and just do our best up at Hill House.

Lindsey decided that this Would Not Do. We are likely to want to take them both out from time to time and need to be able to fit both into the car. So on Saturday morning, she and I went to the Independence Living place and Lindsey bought a lightweight three wheeled walker. 

Three wheeled walkers aren't as stable as four wheeled ones but we thought it would probably do for short distances. I took it up on Saturday afternoon.

In fact, it's much better. The handles are slightly higher than on the old one so he doesn't have to stoop to use it. And it's much more manoeuvrable so it's easier for Jim to get around, plus it folds up nice and tightly. I've taken the old clunky one away and put it in my garage while we decide what to do with it.

If I keep putting things like that into the garage, soon there won't be room for the car!!!!! I must have a garage clear out soon.

On Sunday we collected Stella and Jim and drove out to Blampied to the Swiss Mountain hotel for lunch. When I rang to make the booking they offered me 12:00 or 13:45. I took the 12pm session. 13:45 seemed a bit late, given the care facility gives the residents their "evening" meal at 17:00. 

It's a lovely, half hour drive out to Blampied, which was one of the reasons we chose to go there. Nice drive in the country, followed by a lovely lunch in a country pub. What more could you ask for?

It was very, very quiet in the pub when we got there at 2 minutes to 12.

There was one couple at another table, and us. By 13:00 the pub was full. I'm glad we took the early session. By the time we left, half of the specials board had been wiped off

Just one thing wiped off so far.
More will go in the next hour or so

Not that we ate from the specials board. Jim had his usual fish and chips. Lindsey had a beef burger with lots of chips. Stella and I both had lamb backstrap with roasted vegetables and very delicious it was too. I might have helped Lindsey finish her chips. The lady on the table behind us had the pulled lamb shoulder from the specials board, which was more or less a deconstructed souvlaki and was enormous, accompanied by an enormous serve of chips. Then she had a chocolate sundae which was pretty much a heart attack in a sundae dish. I'm not sure the four of us could have managed it even if we had had one between us all. It was HUGE (and looked very tempting; fortunately for our blood sugar levels we were all full from our main courses!)

And now it's Monday. I am up at Rupert and Hugo's place. Lindsey and Ian are away overnight. The morning sunshine has been replaced by dark, dark rain clouds and the temperature has dropped. It's very tempting to put my pyjamas, slippers and dressing gown on, to settle in a comfy chair with the television on, glass of wine in hand and to declare the day finished. Alas - it's not even 14:30 and might be just a tad early for that.

I have, however, put my slippers on.

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