Docklands, February 2025

Tuesday, August 02, 2022

Busy doing Not Very Much

It's funny, you know. Most days there is absolutely nothing stopping me doing whatever I want to do. I can hop in the car, hop on a bus, hop on a train and go anywhere I choose. Nobody is likely to query it. I still can't go to the care home but other than that ...

In fact, I consider the possibility of going somewhere - and decide to stay at home. It's not even as though I'm being particularly busy at home. My poor gardens are looking very sorry for themselves, though that shouldn't take long to fix.

It is true that I need to be a bit careful with money at the moment. I now have Jim's care home fees to pay, plus the last (I hope!) lot of the home care fees and the exit fee. I *knew* that I should have held off with the home care package. I had a strong suspicion that Jim wouldn't be at home for much longer but hoped that the care package might mean he could stay at home for a few more weeks or months.  I should have listened to my intuition! It will all settle down in the next month or two but in the meantime I need to pay attention to the outgoings.

This would not, really, stop me going out!

And I did go out. I went to Mount Martha on Sunday, taking Lindsey's car which is much larger than mine. I am very aware that Stella's unit is going to take a lot of clearing out before she can put it on the market. Plus, there are some precious things that Stella would like to have in her room, but which she worries will get broken if they are kept there. So, she decided, they could come to my place and she can look at them when the facility comes out of lockdown and she can come to visit. I felt that if someone went every week or so and put in a couple of hours of clearing out, when we come to do the big clear up it might not be quite as daunting.

So I have cleared out and turned off the fridge freezer in the kitchen. I have made a substantial start on clearing out the pantry. I have brought some, but not quite all, of the precious things to my place. I have also brought the in-date contents of the fridge, freezer and pantry to my place. And a couple of occasional tables.

This meant that I had to turn back on my freezer in the garage, which I had only just cleared out. And I have had to rearrange the furniture in my lounge room to accommodate the precious things. While I was about it, I did a proper deep clean. Dusting, cleaning the window sills and skirting boards, vacuuming the floor edges. And, of course, the carpet.

This is how the lounge room looked yesterday evening:

The TV is no longer the focal point of the lounge room. In fact, you can only watch it from "Jim's" couch. This is no bad thing. I don't usually have it on when there are visitors and it means that I now have a "reading" couch and a "TV" couch. And the cats have all the couches :D

This was my view from my bed yesterday morning. I was, unusually for me, enjoying an early morning cup of tea in my bed:

They won't sit on me when I am sitting on a chair or couch. No such inhibition when I am sitting or lying in the bed!

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