Docklands, February 2025

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Time Passes (Gallops!!)

Facebook's On This Day feature alerted me over the weekend that we had reached the one year anniversaries of leaving Tupton,  leaving Sheffield, having a family weekend in London and, today, leaving England and flying to Osaka.

One whole year.

Who'd have thought it.

In the meantime, life goes on.

Lindsey arranged a referral for me to see an allergist about my nut allergy, largely to see if there were any nuts I wasn't allergic to.  Much to my surprise the skin prick test suggested that I wasn't allergic to any nuts.  I'm not sure I absolutely trust these results, convenient and useful though it would be not to be allergic to nuts. Last time I unwittingly had coconut the reaction was almost instant and was quite strong.  So the allergist has arranged a blood test for the common nut allergies and told me to continue avoiding coconut.  It would be very much more convenient to be able to eat coconut, it must be said.  It is absolutely ubiquitous in Australia.  I think the Aussies have been duped into thinking of it as some sort of miracle food!

While I was out in Bundoora (which is where the allergist is based), I went to look at an outlet centre which I had seen on the map.  I would visit it again, if I were in Bundoora.  But I wouldn't go there from East Melbourne, nor from Ballarat.  There is a very large outlet centre down by the Yarra in the centre of Melbourne.  There is another very large outlet centre by the Essendon Airport.  There is a Rivers in the Bundoora one.  I had a good potter around in that.

The morning had been enlivened by a strange burning smell in the flat when Lindsey was getting ready to go out and I was getting ready to go to the allergist.  Eventually we narrowed it down to the dishwasher.  So we turned it off, unplugged it and I checked to make sure the smell was dissipating before I left.  Ian called in later and found that a vegetable peeler had fallen on to the element and was nearly burnt through its handle!!  No wonder there was a strange burning smell.

I have had my first solo flight on the reception desk at the surgery.  I have a had an occasional, gentle nightmare since I started covering on the desk where I have been rung up on a Saturday morning and told I have to cover the desk, with no notice and no instruction on how to open up or cope with emergencies.  Fortunately, I was given 24 hours notice and had time to run through the opening procedures before flying solo.  Even so - I walked in at 8:15 on Saturday morning and realised that I didn't know where any of the light switches were :-D  Happily it didn't take much effort to find them.

And now I must go and shower and get dressed.  I'm supposed to be going to the surgery and attempting to catch up with the scanning this morning.  Tomorrow, very excitingly, I have an appointment at St Vincent's hospital to have my hand looked at. My left hand has quite a severe contracture and is becoming more and more useless for day to day activities.  Lindsey says that I can't have a bionic hand replacement, which is a bit disappointing.  But a hand that works will do.

Rupert doing excellent sitting

A magnificent example of a Romanesco cauliflower,
picked from the garden two minutes earlier

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