Docklands, February 2025

Tuesday, August 29, 2017


I have had a busy few days.  It's one of the little ironies I find in writing a blog; when there is much to say there is little time to say it and when there is time to write - there is not much to say!!

Anyway.  I went to work last Tuesday as normal and then on Wednesday  I went down to Mount Martha.  Stella and I took Tony to the Memory Clinic in the afternoon. It was quite an interesting experience.  They were testing for memory, cognition, logic and various other things like that.  Stella and I were in the room too and silently did the tests as well.  We all did quite well, though I would have failed dismally on the "count down from 100 by 7s". Quite why anyone would ever want to do that EVER is a mystery to me! They think that Tony may have some mild vascular cognitive impairment, probably from the two falls (of the many falls that he had over a period of a couple of months last year) that caused bleeding in the brain.  He is to have an MRI of the brain and then go back for more tests in three months time.

On Thursday Tony and I spent the morning running various errands in Mornington and Dromana and then we all went to see the oncologist in Heidelberg in the afternoon.  It's a relatively straight run down East Link and the Eastern Freeway from their place to Heidelberg and I wasn't expecting any real problems getting there or back (apart from finding somewhere to park - I ended up dropping them off outside the place and then parking in a nearby hospital carpark).  The freeway was quite busy as we headed out of town, but it was peak hour and the traffic was moving, even if slowly.  I was very surprised, however, as we got out of town to find that the traffic was almost at a standstill.  This is very unusual on East Link.  There had been an accident on the slip road from the services which had blocked a couple of lanes, hence the delay.  I was very glad that I hadn't been in the car which was being lifted up by a crane.  It was upside down and somewhat flat.  Fortunately, it wasn't a fatal accident - but I am still glad I hadn't been in that car!

I headed back to Melbourne quite early on Friday morning and went to work, and then came back to Ballarat mid afternoon.

Lindsey, Jim and I spent the weekend doing the sorts of things that Jim and I used to do in Derbyshire.  We went to farm gate shops out in the countryside and bought meat, vegetables and other provisions for the week.  We went to Eynesbury to the monthly farm, craft and food market on Sunday to have lunch and to potter around. We came back with spice mixes, pork pies, terrines and pate, balsamic vinegar, raspberry vinegar, loads of very yummy things. Ian didn't come with us.  He spent the weekend at home doing useful things there.

We managed to dodge the various rainstorms that swirled around over the weekend.  It didn't rain at all when we were outside. Or, not over us it didn't. We could see it raining in other places

Rupert had his first bone, which he thought was a great new toy and a very delicious one at that.

Now he just has to work out how to stop the magpies eating it when he is not there - and how to stop Sam burying it, because that is what Sam thinks that bones are for!!!

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