Docklands, February 2025

Thursday, August 31, 2017


So the results of my blood tests came back and suggested that I do not have an (anaphylactic) allergy to walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts and cashews.  Lindsey says that it is highly unusual for nut allergies to go away, but I certainly did have anaphylactic reactions to nuts in my 20s.  Mind you, I haven't knowingly eaten nuts for a very long time so I suppose it is possible that the allergy might have moderated in the interim.

I am not, however, launching myself into munching on almonds and cashews and other nuts.  My blood might not think I have an anaphylactic allergy but my brain does.  I have a feeling that if I start knowingly eating nuts my brain will tell my body to react.  I have decided to make sure I carry my antihistamines and my asthma puffer with me, and not read the ingredients lists on things until some time after I have eaten them.  If there is no reaction and there is a nut present then we can mark that nut as safe.

Coconut is a different matter.  I know that coconut is not a true nut.  I know that strictly speaking it is a fruit.  I am fully aware that allergists and other people who Know These Things say that coconut allergy is very rare (although I do know people who are allergic to coconut).  But the last time I ate coconut I didn't know it was in the food until I had had a couple of mouthfuls.  And I investigated because I had an almost immediate reaction.  My plan not to read ingredients lists may come unstuck here. I do need to check for coconut, and coconut is EVERYWHERE in Australia. It's a bit of a dilemma.  I may have to risk it.  Oh - or get someone else to check for coconut :-D

I have, however, spent so many years not viewing nuts as a food that I don't even notice them in the supermarket unless I want them for something specific.  And then I have to go hunting.

In other news, you may remember that the proposed sale of our house in Tupton fell through earlier in the year. Since then there have been plenty of viewers and even a couple of second viewers, but no bites.  We have been in talks with the estate agent with a view to renting the house until the housing market in the UK improves.  Then yesterday I had a message to say that the most recent viewer had put in an offer.  It's considerably less than the asking price but Jim and I decided that a bird in the hand ... and have accepted the offer, with the proviso that she has to take the house As Is.  We do need to remember, though, that the house is in England and not in Australia. The potential buyer has sold her house, but subject to contract.  The people who are buying her house could pull out at any moment, in which case our buyer would have to pull out too. Please keep your fingers and toes all crossed until all is complete.  This may make daily life difficult but I have every faith in you all :-D

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