Docklands, February 2025

Thursday, March 02, 2017

Stella went into hospital last Wednesday for what was supposed to be an overnight stay to have a stent put in an artery in her leg.  Until she mentioned that this was going to happen I didn't know you could have stents put into your legs.  I thought they were just for hearts. Just as well I don't get to treat the patients at the surgery!

It didn't go as well as it might.  If it could go wrong, it did go wrong. She had even remembered to take the Getting Better Penguin with her. Imagine what might have happened if she hadn't!

We didn't manage to spring her from the hospital until Sunday 😢

That did mean, though,  that she could join the Gathered Family at The Dava for Tony's birthday lunch.  It was a merry gathering. Lots of us were there - so many that we had to have two tables in the restaurant.

Stella and Tony at The Dava - photo courtesy of Wendy

Tony, Lindsey and a fine Birthday Cake back at home
I think Tony enjoyed his birthday.  Certainly the rest of us did. Mind you, it didn't half alarm the neighbour opposite when she looked out of her window and saw many of us gathered on the front porch. It was only that many of us got back from lunch before the car that was bringing Stella, Tony and the door key had arrived. She hadn't realised that it was Tony's birthday. If she had, she would have expected us to be there, although not necessarily all sat out on the porch.

Jim and I are back at Mount Martha for a few days.  Tony had to go for some (routine) tests yesterday and couldn't drive himself back.  Stella can't drive at the moment. So after I finished work on Tuesday  we came down by tram, train and bus. It was quite fun, especially on the bus. When we drive down we follow the freeways and the main roads. The bus from Frankston to Mount Martha goes along all the side roads. You see much more on the bus.

No hospital dramas for Tony.  He was ready to leave at the time they said he would be.

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