Docklands, February 2025

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Nothing much to say

Nothing particularly noteworthy has happened since we came back from Christchurch.

I have been to work.  As well as scanning, I have been learning how to work on the reception desk.  Many of the regular receptionists will be away over the (Melbourne) winter and I've been asked if I would mind filling in a few sessions.  I don't mind at all - but it would be useful if I knew what I was doing 😄

Jim, in his guise as the Under Gardener, has been dig, dig, digging in what will be the new vegetable garden.  It's looking really good

New beds, new path, new stone wall
made from the volcanic stones dug out of the veg beds
The vegetable tubs out the front are doing really well.  We are getting good supplies of cucumbers, zucchini/courgettes, rainbow chard and kale.  The tomatoes are starting to turn in:

 And what is more or less a herb tub is doing really well.  It does have the kale and the rainbow chard in, and a couple of runner bean plants, but mostly it's herbs.  I'm quite pleased with it.  I'm really pleased with the lemongrass.  I've never grown lemongrass before 😊

Lindsey, Jim and I spent some time over the weekend trailing around the local area.  We bought potatoes from a small potato farm, eggs from someone's front gate, tomatoes from a tomato farm and loads of veg from a farm which we see at the farmers' markets but which also has a shed outside the farm itself.  We ended up with lots of lovely veg for this week.

Otherwise, not much to report.

Oh - apart from this.  Our For Sale board in Tupton now looks like this:

Thanks to Gareth for the photo

As many of you will know, when it comes to selling houses in England, the path to completion is twisty, tortuous, winding and treacherous.  It could yet all go horribly wrong.  Fingers crossed that it doesn't!

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