Docklands, February 2025

Monday, March 13, 2017

Mostly Feasting (Again 😋 )

On Thursday we went out to Chris and John's place at Macedon for lunch.  We had intended to go by train but there was a replacement coach service last week. This actually didn't inconvenience us at all.  The coach we were on was express to Gisborne, where John picked us up.

We had a mighty feast indeed.  The vegetables were mostly from Chris and John's magnificent vegetable garden. The eggs came from their chooks.  I don't think they grew the ham that was in the quiche though 😄 Megan came over to join us.  The children came when they got back from school and nursery. We ate lots and lots of food and drank lots and lots of wine - and Megan's husband Mark drove us back to the station. He had not been feasting, nor had he been imbibing. Many thanks to everyone for a fantastic afternoon.

Magnificent vegetable garden in the sunshine

I might need one of these champagne glasses!
On Friday, Lindsey and Ian headed off to the final dinner of the international conference that Ian had been organising. Jim and I took ourselves up Smith Street and dined in Pabu.  We didn't feel that we needed the full Chef's Tasting Menu, so ordered a few selections of our own.  It was extremely delicious.

We started, as is our habit, with edamame

Then we munched our way through Chicken teriyaki sticks, gyoza and fried oysters. Then we finished with one plate of King Island lamb cutlets.  We didn't feel that we needed a whole main course each!

And then we walked home.

Saturday started with a stroll up Smith Street, in search of a birthday present. Then we ambled through the Fitzroy Gardens on our way into town.  Jim had never noticed or properly looked at the model Tudor Village so we stopped to  admire it

We met Ian for lunch.

Then Matt, Belinda, Sage and William arrived from Warragul.  We had dinner together in the pizza and pasta bar under our feet, then all headed off on the tram to Bethan's 21st birthday bash.  It was a great evening.  There were lots of people, including most of our family and Bethan's mother's family. There were tasty nibbles. There was lots of wine. The speeches were made by young people and were very funny. We headed back to the flat much later than I had expected!!

Sunday started with brunch in the coffee shop under our feet. Then Lindsey, Jim and I took Belinda on her inaugural visit to Costco and the rest of us went book shopping before people headed back to their country residences. You might think that the feasting had finished after our Sunday brunch - but no.  Ian took himself to the David Jones food hall and brought back the makings of a fine Mount Helen Sunday evening feast, which we ate outside on on fine Mount Helen Sunday evening.  Roasted pork belly, roasted vegetables, stuffed onions and a mighty asparagus and apple sauce.

You might think that that would conclude the feasting, today being Monday.  But today is a public holiday in Victoria and I notice that there are ingredients in the fridge that promise a Public Holiday feast later in the day!

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